Life is like licking honey off a thorn... God promises a safe landing - but not necessarily a calm passage...
Penang is ranked the 2nd a must-visit place. I've been staying in Penang for about a quarter century and I'm complaining there's nothing o'er here. Just shopping, shopping and shopping. There's no Disneyland, no water theme park, no Legoland, no ice-skating rink anymore, no Snowhouse. Char koay teow is the best selling hawker food... and yet I detest it! I won't even eat it if there's no other choices. Yikes... I complain too much.. should learn to be contented with life. Penang is indeed a peaceful place. Can find anything in one small little island unlike Langkawi. Still remembered how I drove around and ended up in the supermarket just to buy drinking water.. the hotels don't want to supply me with drinking water. Drink their water I'll be penniless... so expensive! Nothing to eat in Langkawi...
Signing off now... going to work out in gym.
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me..." [John 14:1]