Life is like licking honey off a thorn... God promises a safe landing - but not necessarily a calm passage...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
What About Sunday?

Fabulous Saturday...

Friday, February 20, 2009
That Sent Me Into A Laughing Fit...

Superguard? Body fit? Eh, wrapper very colourful and attractive leh Kotex... so I go for colourful but of course must have wings... so I can fly. Active slim? Maxi? Go for slim.. maxi like wearing pampers.. and you'll be walking like a duck... hahaha. Should have just used tampon but then too painful to shove that nasty thing in... and what if the string 'tercabut'.. the doctors will die laughing removing the 'fish' out... always buy the best brand Johnson & Johnson O.B. Tampon aka 'the fish'.

My Favourite....What?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
You Never Cease to Amaze Me...

The princess is here... Bayview Hotel is not that bad after all. I like the quietness. I enjoyed the

I realised that I love wearing dresses compared to skirt and blouse. That's my feminine side which not everyone will have the chance to see. Only the selected lucky few are given the privilege to see me in a dress in real life. The rest of you, just look from the pics. Even my best fren has never seen me in a dress...

The lamb was succulent and tasted a million times better than the one from Chili's. Great chef! I ordered chicken chop coz' actually I wanted the appetizer first but the waitress refused to give me. How come I cannot get to eat what I want? Why should I go for the main course first? I really want that seafood appetizer yet she refused to take my order for that. Fine lor... in the end I was too full then I cannot eat anymore. Weird ppl... or am I the weird one.. I always start with dessert as I love dessert more than the main course.

Happy 14th Birthday, Dear...

Friday, February 13, 2009
Laugh Die Me...
A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. [Proverbs 18:24]
The person who lengthens my lifespan..

The person who shortens my lifespan...

My life is at equilibrium...
There may be hundreds and hundreds of friends in your friendster, facebook or even your phone book but how many is actually your true friend? Not a friend who is with you only when you invite him/her for an outing but a friend who is with you during your ups and downs. Some are not lucky enough to even have one but I am truly blessed to have two. Therefore, my life is at equilibrium - one lengthens my lifespan during the daytime and one shortens my lifespan at night.
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. [Ecclesiastes 4:9-12]
There's another person who will really stand by you through storms and even when the rainbow is shining above your head - a smile that shines through your life, a shoulder for you to cry on, a hand to hold you and to guide you, a voice so gentle that whispers in your ears to give you comfort and that person is Jesus himself.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
How I Cried...
Maybe I was thinking 'bout how terrible it was for the Africans not to be able to have a simple meal.
Maybe I was thinking 'bout how difficult some people had to go through just to put food on the table.
Maybe I was being thankful for having almost everything a person will ever want or need.
Maybe I was just being gracious to God for providing everything without me asking.
Maybe I was just sad thinking that I would never get to be with the person whom I love and adore.
Maybe I was thinking 'bout my sis and bro-in-law in the faraway land huddled together in the chilling winter wind.
Maybe I was thinking 'bout my bro working under the hot sun in Australia.
Maybe I was thinking 'bout grandma who is in pain.
Maybe I was thinking back how nice it was to eat together as a happy family like during CNY.
Maybe I just missed everyone.
Maybe I was just being emotional as I am sick.
Maybe I was just being a paranoid.
Maybe I was missing someone in particular.
HAHAHAHAHAHAA!! I didn't cry. The curry fish that I cooked was extremely spicy... too spicy in fact. Those who were eating were all 'crying' away. Hahahahahaa....
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I Spoil My Own Day...
I practically jumped out of bed thinking, how come the alarms never ring. Looked at the clocks. I got freakingly crazy and I looked again, this time with my spectacles.. 7:45a.m. Whoa! My class MUST start at 7:45a.m. ZZZZOOOOMMM!! Brush my teeth and changed up... Ellex! Don't vomit.. I didn't bathe until around 4:30p.m. after I came back from GP. I tried on a beautiful dress in Somerset Bay with a row of buttons in front... yeah.. without bathing... but I smell nice.. so don't say yucks! :)

Sunday after work went to GP to catch another movie...

That was really funny. No regrets even though my head was pounding.
Cool! Now the room is spinning and it has been spinning on and off. I'm down with flu and my head is throbbing :(
Friday, February 06, 2009
Why Do I Feel So Bored??
After yakking for a few hours but sometimes a few minutes only, I walked to the gym.. I have practically used most of the equipments...
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Leave Him Alone!!
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Doing Groceries..