Life is like licking honey off a thorn... God promises a safe landing - but not necessarily a calm passage...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Different Shades of Yellow..

My Companion at Work...

Time of Refreshing...[117]
- Change our mind and attitude towards Him - we will always be learning and growing in our understanding of God. It requires a constant openness to learn adn enlarge our knowledge and experience of God.
- Turn to Him - there are many directions we can turn to when we need help and refreshment. Les us make sure we turn to the Lord and HIs principles of health and strength
- Allow Him to cleanse you from every sin - sin breaks our fellowship with God and is at the root of all our problems. Allow Him to cleanse and break the power of sin in your life and this will preprare you for what He wants to replace your life with.
- Receive wonderful season of refreshment - with our lives cleansed from sin and with our minds and attitude right towards God, He desires to send wonderful seasons of refeshment from His presence. where there is indeed 'fullness of joy'
~ Take time each day for loving, learning, living and relaxing ~
Monday, March 29, 2010
Oh... Hhhmmm...

Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Best Worship...
I'm glad I can worship God freely in this country. Even without the lyrics being projected, I'm really glad I can sing the old and new hymns. We should be able to recite the Bible like how some countries do not allow Christianity to enter. Therefore, the people has to memorise the scriptures and write them down so that new believers have the privilege to read God's Words through hand-written Bible.
God's Well Never Runs Dry...[116]
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Donkey Years Ago..

Mr. Teh Teong Uan... the best English teacher. Well, his life was cut short due to stomach cancer some 10 years back.
Monday, March 22, 2010
In Mourning...

Seahorse is mourning a great loss. This blog will be in action again after a week or more. Seahorse is currently suffering and recuperating.
Uncle Hugh and Aunt Lai Yee's favourite song..
- City Harvest Church
Album: Light of the City
(verse 1)
Whose hands are these
Holding my trapeze
When I fly
You carry me
Whose eyes are these
Watching over me
Eyes of love
That set me free
(pre chorus)
What's ahead
You are always there before
My whole world
Your design
You are always there
Just right behind
My life is Your song
To You my heart belongs
Let all earthly crowns
Fade in the shadow of the cross
My life is Your song
I'll sing for You alone
Nothing in this world
Can take me away from You
Our love goes on and on
(verse 2)
Whose arms are these
Shelter me from harm
In the storm
You are my calm
Whose voice I hear
Whisper in my ear
When I'm lost
You're always near
In all my life
Be glorified
With Christ in me
No longer I
So take my all
Consuming Fire
Your light in me
I'll let it shine
Wise Decision...[115]

~Select with care your friends. See thay they be - honest, humourous and high-flyers.~
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Lung Expansion At Work...

Friday, March 19, 2010
Hitting Rock Bottom...
I've read so many books where at the last moment, people cried out to God," Lord, save me." I couldn't find my voice. I couldn't even look up and reach out to Him. The numbered posts written is my last effort to save myself from drowning. In my desperate attempt to find God, He didn't answer me. The line is dead at the other end. I'm quiet but there's no answer.
I'm not knocking at God's door anymore. I'm banging it so hard I wonder whether I bang at the wrong door.... or is it the wrong place... wrong time... everything wrong?
People says God's in your heart, but my heart is so empty. The spirit is dry.
Photos are very deceiving. I smile automatically in front of the camera. I've finally learn that placing happy comments in facebook with 'hahahaha' and 'hehehehe' do not resemble a happy emotion because I can do that while crying with so much sadness.
Dying seems to be an easy way out, but it's a selfish way. I envy those who sleep and never wake up again. That's easier. *sigh* I'm sleeping earlier and earlier... I still have to finish the cross-stitch that I've started since 10 years back and I really need to finish it as not to disappoint the person I'm stitching to.
24-Hour Protection,,,[114]
Notice this 24-hour coverage.
- When you are traveling around, God's Word shall lead you. That is GUIDANCE.
- When you are sleeping God's Word shall keep you. That is PROTECTION.
- And when you wake it shall talk with you. That is PERSONAL FELLOWSHIP.
What a wonderful provision, guidance, protection and fellowship. Truly three essential ingredients for our Christian life.
~ A thorough knowledge of the Bible, is better than a college education ~
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Never Bored Working Here...

Central Focus..[113]
My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body.
[Proverbs 4:20-22]
~ God's Word will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from God's Word ~My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.
[Proverbs 7:1-3]
.... brown... I have different shades of brown in the wardrobe. It's hard to find the brown that I'm attracted to...
The colour that I'm disgusted with even looking at it...yes... any shades of green turn me off in an instant! Except for the lush greeneries in the suburb. I only have a green blouse that also because it costs only RM5 and it has blink blink sequins...
Now... I'm seeing... time to sleep...
You're In Deep Trouble...
I am one self-proclaimed Internet addict. I still wonder how did I survive without having an Internet connection for 7 years yet, I lead a full and happy life? Being an Internet junkie doesn't make me any happier. Makes me feel like I don't really exist in this world though surrounded by millions of people.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I'm So Tired and Sleepy and Busy...
I sleep also tired.
I eat also almost fall asleep on the plate.
After eating, it's suppose to supply you with the much needed energy, but instead I became very tired.
So many classes... then have to work at the beach... fun but leaving me totally exhausted.
The sun literally sucked the energy out of my brain... fried-brain...
No more holidays until June... that's like so long away... and I'm already booked for June...
I feel like hibernating for one whole week....
˙˙˙ƃuıdʎʇ pǝʇɹǝʌuı
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Instructed Mind...[112]

In other words we need to present it forcibly and strongly into our spirit so that it becomes a part of us. If we set this daily instructed mind into gear, we can expect at least two definite results:
- A calm, relaxed and peaceful mind - sweet to the mind
- Healing to the body.
There are incredible healing powers that God has already put into our bodies if we can cooperate with these God-given principles we could start to live in a new dimension.
First Outing... Queensbay Mall

Movies in Penang are not expensive. RM7 on weekdays. RM6 on Wednesdays. RM10 during weekends and public holidays still consider cheap. Movies in Australia cost AUD10.50 on Tuesdays. Other days will be around AUD14 - 20 depending on the popularity of the movies. Movies in China cost RMB80 = RM40 per person. That's freakingly expensive.