Life is like licking honey off a thorn... God promises a safe landing - but not necessarily a calm passage...
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Lord, I Need A Miracle...

Friday, July 30, 2010
Please Be Patient... Sorry..
Monday, July 26, 2010

I do have many skills using both my hands. It's good to know what you're good in... but with my two feet... hhhmmm... by the way, I just peel off that piece of white thick skin while staring at the computer screen. There are times when my skin shred like a snake's. The after effect of sunburn then I'll be fair again. I can never be dark brown like others... always fair and lovely... haha~!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Day I Become An Addict...
I got so hyped with it that on the first day itself I hit past level 12. Then, it was 2 levels up in a day. When the XP increases, I targeted at 2 levels in one day. Now I spend at least 11 hours online and clicking away. Internet service sucks big time. W1max actually fixed the whole parabola in front of my house to get the maximum connection and my bill was waived for a couple of months due to their lousy services.
Now, the Maxis that I adore is showing symptoms of old age and crawling at the speed of a snail. Since yesterday because of my addiction and the slowness of those two crawlers, I landed myself in a cyber cafe. Yes... imagine me in a cyber cafe asking for a computer far far away from other people. And I'm clicking on Social City as if I don't have a computer at home when I have three computers in the house rigged with Wifi.
And today I'm doing the same thing. Me in a cyber cafe but Social City is not even loading. I ended up blogging while still waiting patiently for it to load... loading... loading...loading... loading... nah... like that lor... LOADING without even a bar of anything... worse still actually the rectangular box is black in colour... total darkness... not even the picture is loading..
The Needles At Fault...

Cross-stitching in Gym...
History tells us that since the Great Flood, men have waged over 15 000 major and minor wars. They have signed over 8 000 different peace treaties and yet have only enjoyed a few score years of genuine peace. And most of these years were during the early Roman Empire, when the Christian gospel was first preached.
Yes, through the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can have peace for every situation in life.
Organisations, governments, politicians and educators are spending great sums of money on trying to bring people together to live in harmony. Husbands with wives, children with parents, white people with coloured people, one nationality with another nationality and so an endless saga just keeps on going. Few people realise this is a SPIRITUAL problem. Only when the heart of man is changed and the Prince of Peace reigns within, can true peace and harmony be achieved.
Be a messenger of the gospel of peace today.
~ Salvation may come quietly, but we cannot remain quiet about it ~
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Amandla~! Ngawethu~! iAfrika~! Maribuye~!

To be borned into a nation where oppression and repression were so strong, it was difficult just to live like a normal human being. My prayer goes to Nelson Mandela who is 92 years of age now. For his whole life, he has fought against the apartheid system that condemned the Africans of their rights just because of their skin colour. The new generation might not understand his struggle and sacrifices as they are not in his shoes. To feel how a person really felt, there's no way of knowing but one should try to imagine and understand instead of making a blanket statement either through writing or drawing. A picture speaks a thousand words equal to action speaks louder than words.

No one, no one can deny that he is just an ordinary man, breathing the same air and walking on the same ground as everyone else, but he has been chosen by God, appointed by God to walk this path, to lead his people to freedom from being oppressed. That's a HUGE difference~!!!! A task so huge that Mr. Yuill Damaso has no calling to. That drawing sparks controversy among the African National Congress people and the nation and at one moment, I am aghast by how dense and ignorant Mr. Yuill can be NOT to see the difference.
God preserved Nelson Mandela's life when he was in prison. No matter how bad the situation was in the country, he found favours in the eyes of the oppressors. He found favours in the eyes of the prison warders and everything was so because of God's timing. God's timing was never out. God does things at His own pace, in a miraculous ways no one can even explain.
Out of an oppressed and repressed nation, Nelson Mandela was chosen and raised up to break the bondage. For the oppressors - the whites mainly, you've forgotten that there's a sovereign God above you and the Lord will judge you for what you've done to a nation - a nation who is innocent and fought hard to live like anybody else.
The Lord is very clear about how one should NEVER oppress a person...
Go on and read the whole book of Habakkuk...
This is a man whose fight against apartheid and succeeded in doing so has drawn international attention thus, he has been the Nobel Peace Prize recipient in 1993. That drawing by Mr. Yuill Damaso is really really very disrespectful to someone who is so much older than he is and without him, Mr. Yuill will still live under oppression and might not even have the freedom to draw anything that he likes not to mention the freedom of voting in a democratic country. Even worse, without the work of Nelson Mandela, Yuill Damaso will not even have the chance to exhibit his work of art. You owe Nelson Mandela a public apology as your artwork has been published worldwide so it is only wise that you apologize to him worldwide, in every form of mass media that you can think of.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
You'll Have to Agree With Me In This :o)
God's Workmanship...[155]
When a potter is making a clay pot, he works from the inside and through to the outside. As God moulds and shapes our lives, as the Master Potter, he does the same. He works on the inside shaping us into the person He wants us to be. What a privilege to be crafted, moulded and trained by the Master.
May we allow the Holy Spirit, each day, to hone and shape and craft our lives, into the men and women He wants us to be and show the good works that reveal the Master.
Exceeding Greatness...[154]
However, God's keeping and sustaining power is ours. When you enter into an elevator, you don't struggle and jump up and down. You just commit yourself to it, relax and push the button and you are taken to your destination.
May we daily commit ourselves into His powerful hands.
Open Your Spiritual Eyes...[153]
Ask the Lord today, to further open your spiritual eyes.
Remember, a saint on his knees, sees more than a philosopher on his tip toes. When a person travels he enters into new experiences. When a person flies in an eaeroplane he sees wonderful sights. The key desire is to keep enlarging your world.
~ No day is well spent without spending time with God ~
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Here, Paul is specifically praying for a 'spirit of revelation'. Yes, God still speaks today~! He speaks through His Word, through His anointed messengers and through personal revelation by the Holy Spirit.
We daily need God's revelation and personal 'rhemas' for guidance, direction and divine wisdom.
I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ. [ Galatians 1:12]
Let us make sure we receive God's revealed Word personally before passing it on to others and let us be open to God's personal revelations today.~ True wisdom and revelation starts with a heart full of faith, not a head full of facts ~
I Don't Know What I Am Doing Anymore...
Broken families. Dysfunctional families. I used to think I just have to teach and not to be bothered with other stuff. I have my precious whom I've been looking after for 7 years. I'm glad she obeys me and she has shown me great respect even though I'm not her biological mother and I love her like my own. I have another two which I have difficulties communicating with as I'm too fierce most of the time. I tried to mellow down.
This time round it's a massive one. I put out that shoutout for prayers and I would like to thank those who responded to it. At that point of time, I can only cry out to God as no words were able to form in any way. I don't know how to pray for her. She's only 13 and she did what I thought she would only do when she's 17 or 18. What I said proved to be true when she didn't return home that night.
How much anguish she has caused everyone. I feared for the worst as nobody knew whether she's dead or alive. The next day was spent searching for her and filing a missing person's report at the police station. She has no idea how much heartache she has caused everyone.
They want new clothes I gave them. They want to have good food, I gave them. They want to have an enjoyable time watching movies, going shopping, just trot around places with me, I spent my time doing so. How much more can I give?
I'm starting to think whether I'm operating tuition centres or a shelter for displaced teenagers or just a place for them to release tension and let them enjoy themselves while studying.
I'm glad that they've come to know the Lord. God's Word is sharper than any double-edged sword.
I wanted to be different and now it turns out totally different from any other things that I know of. God... help me... I'm lost. I can't take care of so many of them especially the rebellious one. With my temper so bad, I might tear her apart one day with my bare hands...
Monday, July 12, 2010
What's With Folding The Blanket?
Does the neatness of one's bed represent the personality of a person? Why need to fold the blanket when after a few hours of waking up, some will take a nap. After a nap, wake up then catch a forty wink. Then wake up and sleep for real until the next morning.
For me, I practically live in my bed. I can't live without my bed. When I was still studying, I read lying down, curling my feet under the comforter. Now that I'm working, I work while in bed. When I'm in front of the computer, I'm still in bed. I just need to crawl to the other end of the bed. Just prop up a Japanese-style table and I can do many things in bed.
My comforter will be in a mountaineous heap but sometimes when it rains, my comforter becomes a real comfort.

So... what's with folding the blanket?
Keep it neat so that visitors will not see how terrible you are at keeping your room clean? By the way, outsiders are NOT permitted into my room unless I permit them to. Why will a person bring the guest into one's room? A bedroom is a private and personal hiding place not meant for visitors to enter.
I will just keep it as cosy and as the way I like it which is I'M NOT GONNA FOLD MY BLANKET~! Hehehe... and I've never done so throughout my life and nobody can make me fold my blanket... :o)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Where Singaporeans Do Not Have To Queue Up...

Firstly, there is no queue while waiting for the MRT. I think from my photo, it is very clear coz' if there's a queue or a crowd, I would not be able to snap such a clear picture of the entrance/exit of the MRT. The waiting time is reasonable as well. At tops I've only waited for 6 minutes but that 6 minutes felt like an hour. When there's no large crowd to accompany you to wait, you will feel like 1 minute is eternity.

* Next plan: Checking for the cheapest flight ticket to fly in to Singapore to attend church service, shop about and then fly out back home on the same day.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
We Queue Up For Different Reasons...

Spirit of Wisdom...[151]
Let us pray for ourselves, as well as for the leaders in our land, that we will walk in godly wisdom and revelation.
Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law. [ Proverbs 29:18]
~ The wisdom that counts, comes from God ~
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked. [Proverbs 10:6]
It is God's nature to bless, but this is conditional upon our lives being in a right relationship with Him.
A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. [Proverbs 28:20]
As we faithfully follow the Master, we can look forward to His abundant daily blessings in every area of our life.
Heaven is full of blessings and answers to prayer, for which no one has ever bothered to ask~!
~ God blesses us, that we might bless others ~
Monday, July 05, 2010
Welcome to My Blog...
Totally Renewed...[149]
When a person receives an inheritance and it is listed down on several pages, the natural response is to go through it very carefully so that nothing is missed.
God has a tremendous inheritance for us. Make sure you use what is yours, and what cost God His Son to vie you. These riches are yours.
What a wonderful God we have. Make sure you draw upon God's resources and riches today.
~ When God guides, He provides ~
Sunday, July 04, 2010
I Simply Live For You...
And I'm spending a couple of hours in gym... about to be a gym freak with all those weights equipment by Cybex. And weekly badminton session.
I'm trying to catch up on real life... not virtual life as I live so many hours in the virtual world sometimes I don't even know where I exist... in the computer or in the real world.
God At Work... [148]
God will make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you through the power of Christ, that which is well pleasing in His sight.
[Hebrews 13:21]
God is committed to empowering and strengthening a righteous believer...
Thursday, July 01, 2010
In The Virtual World...
To be a contractor, developer and architect all at once... hahhahaha... I'm so addicted to this... come on people, just click on Social City. Add me into your Facebook friends list at runwiththewave@gmail.com I'm so so in need of more and more neighbours... Once I used to say my mama is a Facebook game addict, now, I'm even more addicted... can't help it... once started, can't stop... I'm already in Level 13 within 2 days...