Never will I clean a house again...

After so many hours, the only result that's obvious and worth being happy about. The windows... they're so clear. The first time I cleaned the windows after 10 years. It's actually the first time I clean the whole house after 10 years. I'm very happy with the windows but the rest of the house is worse than before. I hope I can really finish it by tomorrow or latest by Wednesday. I'll never want to clean a house again. NEVER~!!! I have three more houses to clean after this. I might want to change my mind about cleaning those houses. One is more than enough. So far I've sold off 400kg of rubbish. The earning was spent on a new shoe rack, that makes 3 shoe racks altogether, a clothes cupboard for my precious who has already put up her clothes, a new stand fan for temporary use before I fix in another new air-conditioning system in the room then the whole house will be fully air-conditioned and I'll have a heart attack once a month looking at the electric bill as the tariff for electricity has increased and I'm already paying double than usual. I bought three pillows as well as I've cleared the room with the double-decker bed and I have so many mattresses and my precious, eldest and youngest are staying for the nite. They're helping me to clean up the mess.
I've decided NEVER to clean a house ever again. I'm not cut out to do such work. When I get another new house, everything will be Japanese style. Through this experience, the new house will have very few furniture. Sit on the floor on cushions, eat on the floor, sleep on the floor with mattresses without a bed frame. Everything will be done on the floor.