2011 is coming to an end in two days time. I have plenty to do for example cleaning up the whole house so it doesn't look like a tornado has just gone through the whole house. I need to clean up my room so that it doesn't look dirtier than the pig sty. I have so much dusting to do that if only I can turn dust into gold, I will be the richest person who ever live on this earth. I actually plan to finish my masterpiece by the end of this year but looks like it's more possible that I finish it by the end of next year. I have so much paperwork to prepare that looking at all of them, I don't even know where to start as the paper is empty and I have to start writing something on it before I get the ball rolling. I still have so many photos to upload and things to blog about but I don't seem to have enough time to do everything. I want to catch a movie with my hubby but the time is always not right. I'm really sad that the holiday is coming to an end but of course there's a future holiday which I have already planned out as well. I do like Year 2011 for what reason, I do not know. Alas...
nitez folks...