It's our first time travelling to Kuala Lumpur on a bus. Yes, on a bus. I've never traveled on a bus before all the way to Kuala Lumpur. I've taken a few flights this year and I don't like waiting at the airport. I do like a fast trip but I just don't like hanging around at the airport. So, two weeks before our trip, we went to get our bus tickets as the counter is just 5 minutes away from the house. Why not fly with Aeroline on the road?
It's RM60 per person, one way. I do not know how much is the usual rate for bus rides and I don't bother checking around to know the price. It's not like I'm going to board any other express buses which speed off like maniacs on the highway. I do not want myself to appear on the front page of the dailies with gory pictures splashed all over. Anyway, the lady at the counter said Aeroline has a GPS system and the drivers will not speed beyond the limit permitted on the road. And according to the lady, we will enjoy the ride very much. I trust her and placed my bet money for three tickets. Aeroline has designated stop areas in Kuala Lumpur and they have trips down to Johor and straight to Singapore.

Oh, yeah... the tagline from Aeroline... the Convenient way to FLY. Flying on the road doesn't mean speeding until you feel like you're floating in the bus. Firstly, the bus is VERY punctual. Of course if you're going to wait at Queensbay Mall then you will have to wait at least 10 - 15 minutes as the bus would be punctual at the Sungai Nibong Bus Terminal. We wanted to walk there at first but in the end, mi mama fetched us to Queensbay. Both also near but the geographical landscape of the route to Queensbay makes it impossible to walk. I have no idea what's down there but I just know that the bus can only ferry 30 passengers at one go, all with designated seats when you buy the tickets. I think you can buy it online? I'm not very sure about that. Hey, I'm not advertising for Aeroline okay... it's not like I will get any commissions for doing so. I'm just writing from my first-hand experience as a bus passenger.
The bus seriously did not speed like Speedy Gonzalez. We went to Kuala Lumpur via the second Penang Bridge which looks very empty. I hope it's not a white elephant of a gigantic bridge. I myself do not use the bridge as I have no reason to use it. Now, I'm like village deer entering into a big city again. Wait till you read about our flight to Taiwan, where Pinky and I made fun of ourselves.

This looks somewhat similar to what I see from my flight with Hong Kong Airlines. Movies to watch but sad to say, before I could even finish the movie, the headset has been collected back. Not that I don't have enough time to watch since the journey from the island to the heart of the country is at least 5 hours, just that I have difficulty deciding on what to watch. I was changing the movies after watching the beginning for 10 minutes. The journey to was really comfortable but the journey back was rather uncomfortable. Was it because the air-conditioning system was so low, there's hardly any air to breathe in.

The bus trip comes with food and a drink. It's TGIF's ham burger and I like it that way. As long as it's bread or buns, I will embrace it. Come to me buns~! But the drink.... owh.... I overheard that the busboy... is that what you call the steward on the bus? were asking the passengers in seats way upfront until the seats before mine whether they would like to have a cup of hot chocolate. I wanted that~! But when it came to our turn, we were only served with either tea or coffee... and I drank neither of them. So sad.... why don't have enough hot chocolate to go round the bus? On the way back, the bus steward was more efficient. Before he made those drinks, he took orders first from each passenger. That's the way to do things. You don't shove hot chocolate to people who don't drink hot chocolate and you don't shove people who don't drink coffee nor tea to accept them. There's a bottled water that came along with your ride. You shall not die of thirst along the journey but of course, bring your own bottle of water to ensure that you're well hydrated, Malaysia experiences summer all year round, you get what I mean?

On the way back, we were served with nasi lemak. Quite tasty but the amount of rice can be reduced. Hehehehe... but this is Malaysian style lor... we love rice.... no matter what...
Okay, before we arrived at our destination, we went to the lower deck of the bus. It's a lounge area with a few sinking cushions, sinking as in your butts really sink into the seats. Then, there's a television there as well. It's a good place to chit chat but this is the first time I'm seeing this in a bus, so I have the old-bus-mentality where one should stay glued to thy seats no matter what instead of walking up and down and create unnecessary human traffic jam along the aisles. There's a toilet as well where you are not allowed to shit into the toilet bowl or else the bus steward would make you clean up the mess that you've created. Hehehehe.... so hold your shit in when you're travelling. The bus do stop at one of the rest areas along the journey.
Finally, we have arrived safely. Next activity... get a taxi.... not that difficult to hail a taxi....