Saturday, March 04, 2006

Choosing A Life Partner....

I have seen and taught kids with different level of intelligence. This is caused by the genes from both parents. Therefore, I have make a final conclusion on how to choose a life partner in the benefit of your future child or children.

Since we know your level of intelligence, we have to find out 'bout our future partner's level of intelligence.

Questions to ask your future mother-in-law and to be answered truthfully:
  1. Did your son have problem citing the alphabets when he was young?
  2. How old did he start talking?
  3. Did he cry a lot at night?
  4. Did he talk non-stop or he used to be a shy and timid boy?
  5. Had he ever make noise when asked to go to the kindergarten?
  6. Did he wet the bed when he was supposed to be potty-trained?

Questions to ask your future spouse:

  1. How did you fare in your UPSR?
  2. How did you fare in your PMR?
  3. How did you fare in your SPM?
  4. What course did you take in you tertiary education?
  5. If didn't study in uni, why? If no money then acceptable!
  6. Did you encounter problems understanding and applying the mathematical formulae and the scientific terms?
  7. Did you have difficulty understanding the Malay passage?
  8. Did you read a lot of books? If yes, how many per week?
  9. Are you good in electrical stuff?
  10. Good in computer games?
  11. Were you an introvert and extrovert when you were in the secondary school?
  12. Did you have problem speaking up for yourself?
  13. Did you remember facts from History and Geography?

Lastly, I would like you to follow me to get your medical checkup. Just in case, he has AIDS or any other sexually transmitted diseases. And also let's take an IQ test.

With all these, we do not need to worry that we might get a rotten child. But of course, the rest will be in God's hands.

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