Friday, February 13, 2009

Laugh Die Me...

There are two very important people in my life- a civil engineer and a doctor. Without them, life will not be whole. Honoured? *Drum rolls*

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. [Proverbs 18:24]

The person who lengthens my lifespan.. My best pal for 11 years. A person who will do 'crazy' stuff with me. We're both equally 'ganas'.. love challenging activities. Sorry for losing contact with you when you were in form 6 and uni. More like we parted ways without saying goodbye... but hey, it's not a goodbye, it's just temporary silence from both sides. I'm glad we pick things up again at a super fast speed. We share a lot of things in common even though sometimes we have different view points. You're one person who dare to 'shoot' at me directly when you know I'm wrong and I appreciate that. We're so much alike yet different. You make me laugh while sitting in front of the computer typing away and sometimes I laugh so hard, I thank God I'm in the comfort of my own room, not like you, you have to hold your laughter coz' you're in the office. Hahahahahah!! We've grown out of burning the telephone line. Even if we're not from the same school, we'll still meet in church... but God is so gracious, we met in both places - in school and in church. I miss going to youth camps with you where we yak till the wee hours in the morning or how much fun we had at Tapah camp... remember crossing the small river on tight ropes? The midnight hike.. stream strolling.. drama.. praise & worship until late night. How come they never put us in the same team for youth camps? For so many years, but not even a year that we were in the same team. I just know that God wants us to be best frens, like it or not. Love you, pal!

The person who shortens my lifespan... A long lost pal for a decade. More like 'LOST & FOUND' thanks but no thanks to the digital world. A person who makes my life turned topsy-turvy. Either we have nothing in common or we have not found anything in common, yet. Thanks for the time that you had sacrificed chatting with me and following my whims and fancy. I know I'm demanding and selfish at times.... or should I say all the time??? The long chats that go round in circles not leading anywhere must have made you felt like pulling your hair out? Have you ever lost your patience and feel like throwing the comp screen against the wall? I appreciate you burning your eyes in front of the comp to read my lengthy messages when at times I don't even know what I was crapping about :) You're one more person who takes joy in scolding me and I don't mind coz' it's for my own good. Earlier you used to make me cry to sleep and I was surprised at myself for crying for someone I have not met. I am frustrated with you as you're a man of few words but you've tried your best to talk to me for hours and hours. I accept you for who you are and I'm still keeping my fingers crossed not to criticize you.

My life is at equilibrium...

There may be hundreds and hundreds of friends in your friendster, facebook or even your phone book but how many is actually your true friend? Not a friend who is with you only when you invite him/her for an outing but a friend who is with you during your ups and downs. Some are not lucky enough to even have one but I am truly blessed to have two. Therefore, my life is at equilibrium - one lengthens my lifespan during the daytime and one shortens my lifespan at night.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:

If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. [Ecclesiastes 4:9-12]

There's another person who will really stand by you through storms and even when the rainbow is shining above your head - a smile that shines through your life, a shoulder for you to cry on, a hand to hold you and to guide you, a voice so gentle that whispers in your ears to give you comfort and that person is Jesus himself.


  1. mole is visible in this photo...n of all photos, WHY THIS??? replace la wid a nicer 1...grrr....

  2. Goodness gracious.. you so 'bising' 'bout your photo... this is the nicest unless you want me to change to the one with 'pokok' on your head or you gambling away or you sitting on the toilet bowl???
