Mother in charge of keeping the food hot and nice plus keeping the money. Not expensive if you see the amount of hardwork they put in. It takes them hours and hours, standing, making all those bite-size dim sum and we take less than a second to pick it up using the chopsticks and another second to pop them in our mouth and another couple of minutes to chew. Worth every single cent...
Son and dad busy deep-frying. Daughter busy serving customers with...
tea... I'll go without drinks. I DISLIKE TEA! I dislike the smell, the taste and the colour! But, will still drink if forced to. Let's see what we have here, I don't know the names except for siew mai and har kow and lor mai kai and chee cheong fun and char siew pao... got egg tart also but the rest, as long as got prawns inside, I'll take. Simply delicious...
Can see or not? Not clear enough... wait har...
is there anytin tat u dun like 2 eat??? y dun u try bloggin bout tat? ahahaha
ReplyDeleteHHmmm... let me see.. if I need to blog 'bout something that I don't eat.. I'll have to start searching for the ppl who eat what I don't eat just to snap photos...I'll see what I can do...