Monday, March 02, 2009

For Your Reading Pleasure Only..

... you know who you are.

Last Friday was a busy day. Cancelled all the classes and spent most of the time in the kitchen. Then, I remembered chatting with you in the afternoon... but then missed out the story that you wanted to tell me so much. *Have you found a new place to shift into? It's already March.* Learnt quite a lot of things in a day. There's a wholesale market selling seafood which opens at 3am and closes at 8am. I wanted to go there to get cheaper seafood but I know myself so well... I won't be able to wake up at 3am and drive to the market. So, in the end I went to the Batu Lanchang market. Instead of going to the hypermarket, I think the services provided at the wet market are really great. Hey, I'm great in bargaining and getting cheap prices. I wonder whether they cursed me high and low after I left. Shucks! Don't care 'bout that... just needed to get things done...hahaha!

The prawn seller actually counted the number of prawns I needed. One hundred and sixty. Of course, I helped him to remember. Then, I was thinking of going to either Tesco or Cold Storage to get other stuff but in the end I just stick to the wet market. Bought maize and they actually cut the maize into two for me and clean it for me. Then, went to the section selling mutton. He deboned everything and he also counted the 80 pieces that I needed. Sweet potatoes also done. Save me a lot of time if I were to do it myself. Now, I have changed my mind. Not going to Tesco anymore unless on the days I'm grumpy and complain 'bout the wetness of the floor in the market or I need some other stuff then I'll go to Tesco. In the end, I went to Tesco also coz' of all the things I forgot to buy fish when there were so many fish in the wet market. I've never shop with a shopping list so my fault. Even if I wrote a shopping list, I'll end up forgetting to bring them. Yeah.. I actually wrote the shopping list but I left it on the bed after chatting with you.

Slept at 4:30a.m. then I woke up online for awhile and also to get the name list to cancel my Saturday class. Chatted with you before you 'cabut' to go for breakfast. Will blog about Saturday with pictures coz' haven't upload the photos.

Sunday also great. Two days well spent. No complaints except that both of my legs hurt for standing for more than 10 hours in the kitchen and running around town to get things done and the sole of my feet seriously hurt. All my ten fingers were badly cut and I have no idea what cut me unless I put all the blame on the prawns' tails. I got deep scratches on my arms and those were from my own business cards. Hey, the man-made charcoals they sell in hypermarkets are lousy so I bought the original charcoals from one of the shops in town. One really small shop with no signboard. Now, I'm good in hunting for things around town.

Oh, tell you something. I'm allergy to water. Yeah... water. That's why I bathe using a shower filter if not will have red itchy blotches on the body and especially on my face. So, I guess the sea water was very very dirty and my whole body got red blotches but I tried not to scratch in front of so many people. Had fun thus, I was not really bothered by the itchiness. Came home quite late around 11:30p.m. and didn't have any food on Saturday. Not on diet. I actually forgot to bring food for myself and was too busy and too tired to eat.

I'll try my best to update my blog every day... but no promises coz' sometimes you also didn't post until I pestered you. Maybe I'll post a few when I'm free in the morning. I will still pester you during my free time if I don't see any new post from your blog. Love you, pal!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha...y so 4gtful 1....4gt dis 4gt u sounded so much like a hsewife...even my mom doesnt spend 10 hours in d kitchen and runnin round town...she oni does tat whn im bak hm...4 i can go out n buy stuff 4 her... :)
