Thursday, March 05, 2009

The Waves... The Saltiness...

28th of February 2009
Teambuilding @ The Beach
I am not going to write bout the teambuilding as those will be published in the blog at

I am writing about my passion for jetski and the pounding waves.

The waves were the strongest I have ever rode on due to the strong wind.

I almost got thrown off the machine out in the open sea. I was the least afraid, instead I was enjoying every moment of it. The first time when I was riding on a jetski with waves smaller than these, I was quite afraid. Now, I can really spin on the sea... no fear!
The waves were splashing from everywhere especially from the front. I love chasing after the waves, make a turn and rode on the waves... so high up... can actually calculate the waves... when they are coming.. when they are moving back... It's indescribable how much I love jetskiing. I love jetski more than I love cooking....


  1. ahhhh yes...d sea...jet skiing...i 4gt d fun ridin on it..hehe

  2. How can you forget such adrenaline pumping punya activity? But the other when we were riding, the sea was calm... not fun actually. Next time ya... when you come back... we gila-gila at the sea..
