Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Analysing the Verse...[17]

This is the rough idea of the new format that we'll be doing after you're ready to go up another level :-) It's a little bit tedious but we won't do it everyday. Maybe once a week for start. See when you're ready...

"Now, thanks be unto our God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ and through us spreads the fragrance of His knowledge by us, in every place."
[2 Corinthians 2:14]

The Immediateness of Our Triumph
Praise God, we can appropriate His victory and triumph immediately. Our access is direct and we can "call" upon Him at any time.

The Gratitude For This Triumph
The Scriptures exhort us to have the attitude of gratitude and we should be filled with great gratitude and thankful praise for this available triumph.

The Source of This Triumph
"unto our God"
Yes, our God is the source of our daily triumph
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of th weak.
[Isaiah 40:29]

The Certainty of This Triumph
"who always causes us to triumph"
What a thrilling truth this is. Not just sometimes, not just occasionally, but A-L-W-A-Y-S! This means we can be victorious all the time.

The Person of This Triumph
"in Christ"
If Paul found his "all sufficiency in Christ", so should we. The word "in Christ" was mentioned 130 times in the New Testament.

The Messengers of This Triumph
"and through us spreads..."
God chooses human channels to spread His wonderful "good news" and blessing. Let us make sure we are faithful in this very high calling.

The Message of This Triumph
"the fragrance of His knowledge"
The life-giving truth of the gospel of man's sin and his urgent need of salvation in Christ, is desperately needed today. Share this 'fragrance' with somebody today.

The Ambassadors of This Triumph
"by us"
The responsibility of proclaiming this message is over to us, as ambassadors of the gospel. We have the privilege and the responsibility of passing on the Good News to others.
We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.
[2 Corinthians 5:20]

The Outreach of This Triumph
"in every place"
In every place you go today, take the joy and testimony of Christ's triumph. Let it shine forth in everything you do.

God wants us to be victors, not victims; to soar, not sink; to overcome, not to be overwhelmed.

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