Thursday, August 06, 2009

Australia... Here I Come!!!!

It all started with a simple conversation... and just my passing thought, "Bro!!I wanna go Australia! You buy me flight tickets and pay everything for me, okie?"

His reply sent me squealing in excitement. Well... a typical man's one word answer, "OK!"
Bro... your adik here about to faint due to happiness beyond description...

HB (BIL)... if you're reading this... I'm waiting for you to say, "SIL... come over to UK... all expenses paid..." Well, so far you only offer food and lodging but you haven't include flight tickets and money for 'kai kai' ... *fingers-crossed*... waiting for your answer by next year... *wink**wink*
Bro... let me do this when I'm in Australia.... please ... please... ppppplleeeeeeaaaaasseee.... ARGH... I know you're going to say... too dangerous... cannot... *sigh*

Well... you can substitute that with... hahahaha.... your adik here can get award for the best shopper... shop round the clock... or spend the most in the shortest time... or buy the most stuff given a small budget... BUT I want big budget for this one~

Food glorious food~ seafood~! Must have! Lobsters... scallops... mussels.... whatever shell food... and those fresh catch from the sea...
Oh, won't be going in December but shifted earlier to end of November.... Love you bro! *muacks*

PS. Kakak and HB.... I wanna go UK... but I do not want to visit to all those old museums... I want to go to Paris Disneyland...


  1. sudah la i kenot go, sengaja 1 2 post it up sumore.....cis cis cis...nvm....i hope my 'stinky' guy can sponsor me dere...hehehehehhehehe...u noe who i meant rite??? bt pls ar..warn u 1st....dun simply shout his name out loud!

  2. Hahahah... just keep swimming... just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...or dreaming, dreaming, dreaming...

    I'm going to shout out his name... and his name.......F...I....tiba-tiba aku terfikir nak makan sandwic ikan tuna...ditambah mayonnaise sedap juga ya... atau pun sambal tumis...
