Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's Raining Cat and Dogs Outside...

And the only thing I feel like doing right now is sleep the whole day. Maklumlah hari ini hari pertama berpuasa.. *Ish..bukannya aku yang puasa* ... tak larat aku nak kerja... malas...

I wonder which part is flooded. If flood I'll be jumping for joy. NO NEED TO WORK!! YIPPEE!!! Haih.. but still have to drive out and look see look see... alamak! Every time rain like that habislah my business... thank God that one for fun only... if waiting for that to feed me... I terpaksa minum air hujan atau air laut dan makan pasir yang tak akan habis dimakan...

To the 1st person I love:
I can't wait for you to come back. I baru realise still got 1 long month before October... I thought next month October liao :-( WWWWWWaaaaaaaaa :'(
I googled the map of Australia... why la my brother stay in one little corner on the south of Australia... Ah Ching's place in New South Wales so far away... 12 hours drive.. then going to Perth is like flying out to another country... he some more stay right in the middle of the city so far from the beach.... have you ask your mom whether you can come with me? My bro doesn't mind another person tagging along... come lar come lar... I don't want to explore the whole country alone... so lonely... no one to go crazy with me...

To the 2nd person I love:
Rainy season. Weather haywire. I feel like shouting.... I MISS YOU... haih... baru spent time I already miss you... Happy working during your napping time :-)

Selamat Berpuasa kepada umat Islam sekalian...

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