Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Cobweb of Thoughts...

There's so much on my mind. There's so much work to do. The amount of paperwork is piling up, I want to do but I find no will-power to settle them. My accounts books are screaming to be kept balance. The whole room is turning into a big mess again. The only thing I really want to do is disappear somewhere without any distraction. I need my quiet time. Nowadays the phone keeps on ringing at the wrong timing. It rings when I'm bathing halfway, when I'm cooking and when I'm driving. When I'm sitting down blogging away or chatting away, the phone's quiet. Working seven days a week is not right. It has never been right since the beginning of time.

I have mix feelings in everything. Stay away from me. I'm PMS-ing now.

To the two person I love most, still love you both!


  1. kesian.........ur cough ok liao nt....u beta recover b4 i return...otherwise il definitely stay far far far far farrrrrrrrr away...heheheh...

    mayb its nt ur phone ringing at the wrong time...i tink its u doin ur wrk at the wron time....

  2. who are the 2 most loved persons??? am i one of them??? i dun care... i dgn kao bin phui-nya declare im one of them.....*stubborn*

  3. Go far far away lor... Don't want fren you liao like that...

    I where got do work at the wrong time?

    The two people I loved most... you sudah tahu... nak bagi tau lagi kah??

  4. bagitau la....curiousssssssssss...

    u memang do wrk at d wron time 1 wat...bathe b4 goin out...nvr brush teeth n bathe whn u wake oso at 3 pm....nt wron timing meh

  5. I'm not the only who bathe before going out...
