Sunday, September 06, 2009

Meeting Anne...

Anne is an amazing lady twice my age. Met her in gym most of the mornings. Usually we'll be giving each other smiles and hand-waving signs of acknowledgement. Then, we started saying 'Hi' and 'Bye'. We want to use the same fitness equipment. Out of so many, we only choose the second one. Usually, I'll be using first then she'll wait until I finish.

Last Friday, we started talking in great length. Thank God I went to gym earlier so I've actually done want I wanted to do but I wanted to spend more time in the gym as I have not been there for a week. In the end, she didn't manage to even sweat a bit but we exercised our mouth a lot.

This is the second time I'm exposed to children with autism. The first encounter was yakking online with Prof Eric Lim, founder of then now with Anne. She shared with me about her walk with God from the beginning until now. Whatever she has shared to me, was more of encouragement and assurance for myself that God is there and will always be there, by hook or by crook, just that He's not in a hurry when I'm always in the hurry. People asked me where I want to go in such a hurry. My answer is: I don't know. I don't know where I want to go and I don't know why am I always in such a hurry and I don't know why I want things done immediately and my now means N-O-W. Not 5 minutes later and not tomorrow.

Anne... I have all due respect to you. Out of poverty, God handpicked her and showed her that nothing is impossible in His name. Trust in Him and lean not on your own understanding. She said of how God boggles her mind even until now. He works in mysterious ways... Anne... I know what you're talking about. I'm glad I have that kinda experience at such a young age. Some people might not even experience it.

She surely has a compassionate heart to single-handedly take care of 10 autistic kids. I, on the other hand, will be crying my eyes out or scream my lungs out as I will have no idea how to handle any of the special kids. I will seek for attention more than the kids, I guess....

We Christians tend to backslide when we're too comfortable. Thus, she wants me to be her prayer partner... and I get the invitation to visit her place. Now, I'm wondering what's God's trying to tell me with all the exposure with autistic kids...

Anne stressed about patience... patience with the kids... patience.. patience... patience... patience ...P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E.!!! I pray for patience, the more impatient I get... am I suppose to go help out with special kids to learn to be patient? I hope not... I hope not... I hope not.... I hope not... I don't want... I don't want... I don't want... no... not I don't want... I cannot.. I cannot.. I cannot... I'm not able to ... I cannot commit myself... I cannot...

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