Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm err.... Lazy, I think..

I'm not sure whether the word lazy is the right word to describe me at this moment. I do have a lot of things to do after coming back from Down Under. I have so many photos to upload and now looking at all those photos, I can't find the strength and patience to upload so many. I'll just put them in different albums.

I'm having a big problem trying to fit all classes on weekdays since they requested for weekdays only. I thought I have the best timetable laid out until finally... missing two classes. Where am I gonna dig out another two slots? Ugh...

After coming back from Down Under, I have finally realised that Penang is still the best place to live in. I shall not complain about prices anymore. Thus, my new mission, shop every week. Shop for discounted items. No point buying New Arrivals as within 3 months, those new arrivals will no longer be new and more discounts will be given. Talking about not going to complain, I think I'm so stingy there's nothing that can change me. After shopping, I paid my RM1 for parking only to see there's a notice pasted on the wall.
"For purchases of RM30 and above in a single receipt, FREE parking."

ARGH!!! Why didn't I read that earlier? I'm grumbling 'bout having to pay RM1.

I don't think I'm the only one muttering about having to pay RM1 for the parking. Penang ppl... stingy to the core...

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