Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lung Expansion At Work...

Usually I'll fetch her out for our lunch dates at the green building in hospy. Now, she visited me at my work place and the madness began until I finished work. Actually I ditched my work and hopped onto the next jet ski...
A little bit about us...

Name for both of us: Judith Y

Age difference : 10 years

Compatibility: 99.9%

Madness level: Maximum

How we know each other: We're both not sure about this. We just clicked.

Level of seriousness: We hardly talk serious stuff due to malfunction of laughing mechanism

Summary of us:

When we meet each other, we started with, "Hi! How are you? Hehehe..." Then, the giggles continue... and followed by hahahhaha.... and in the end we have no idea what we talked about mainly. Conversation always ended with, "I really need that good laugh and it's great fun to be with you. Thanks for the day." Hugz... and she continues with her work and me with mine.
We actually sang lullaby at the top of our lungs out in the open sea, we howled like wolves, laughed like hyenas and screamed until half our stomach were filled with salt water. By the time we finished, we were not hungry anymore. Drink too much... then we bumped ourselves silly on the waves. All in all, our lungs expanded in a good way, we can sing sopranos at top pitch which might break the glasses and the windows. The sad part was nobody heard us doing all these... well, on the other side of the coin, it's good I think. We have to take care of our images in public... hahahahaha.....

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