Wednesday, April 07, 2010

My Flight to Melbourne...

Oh, hhhmmm.... I know.. I know... this was something which happened in November 2009... to be exact... I DO remember the date~!
That's the day I spent my whole day flying across the land, the sea and the desert. 45 minutes flight to KL and then waited for a few hours at the LCCT, accompanied by my story book or else I would be jumping around the LCCT having nothing to do or I will just talk non-stop with strangers.
7 hours of sitting still, that was a real torture. I can only sit still for an hour max provided I have something to keep me occupied. I was really happy to get the window seat so I got to look at the white, fluffy clouds, the light blue sky, the dark blue ocean and the greenish forest down there, but to my horror, I felt like a roasted pig and the air-conditioning in the plane, oh....
...the direct heat from the sun... even with the window shutter down, the heat was unbearable. I almost melted and I have had my jacket on. My place was seriously very cosy. I tried to make it into a tiny comfortable place and mind you... I really felt like I'm smothered to death, caged in the belly of the plane and I almost screamed out loud after sitting still for two hours. I had no choice but to ask the two ladies - mother and daughter, who sat beside me, to get up from their seats and let me get out of my place before I tear the whole plane apart.
In the middle of the plane, there was some space to do some stretching. I was tempted to sit on the floor and just stay there for the whole journey but that would create a massive human jam for those who are heading towards the washroom. Well... I'll just do that next time for the sake of comfort in travelling. Oh.. next time I'll bring something else up in the plane.... my teddy bear! Or maybe just a pillow... a cute teddy pillow...
For the whole freaking 7-hour long flight, I was looking at the screen. I was hoping the plane will move faster at jet-speed turbo mode and landed at the Tullamarine Airport in 7 seconds. For almost 4 hours, we were flying above Gibson Desert. I've never seen a desert with my own eyes except for those shown in the movies. I was wondering what if the plane landed in the desert area and I find no camels as my means of transportation. There was a long road, extremely long... who on earth will want to drive on such a long stretch of road and only being greeted by sand dunes, more sand and sand and sand... no cactus? The braying of a donkey will make me leap for joy if I was down there... but I might have to end up carrying the donkey across the desert instead of the donkey carrying me... ooopppss~! My imagination running wild....
I managed to snap the view of sunset from the plane. Very very extraordinarily beautiful. By the time I reached Melbourne, it was already midnite... Australian time. Visa checking and waiting for my luggage went smoothly. I can't wait to go back to Melbourne... I sort of miss that place... staying there in the bachelor's apartment ... I get accustomed to things very fast... too fast. By the next day, I felt like I've been there for my whole life. I'm glad I can adapt... yippee!

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