Monday, May 10, 2010

Draw Me Close To You...

This blog is still running as active as it can be. What you can do now while you're here, other than reading my posts, you can start singing along. It's a great song. Old yet great~!

There are 6 of the same song. Draw me close to you...
What I would want you to do is, just listen for the first time. It's sentimental style...
The second one is contemporary...
Third round... you sing it out loud... there's music to accompany you, so you don't have to worry that you'll be singing out of tune. Hey... come on~! Be sporting~! You're singing in your own room or if you're with your friends, grab them to sing with you. It ain't that bad to sing in front of your computer screen. Humming the song and singing in your heart are different from singing out loud. If you're able to sing out loud without shame of all those worldly music, I think you can do better than that in this... Aww... Just humour me...

I can't type much as I've accidentally poke the whole stitching needle, right underneath my finger nail, into my flesh. It's bleeding from the inside... Bear with me... when the pain has subsided, I'll let my fingers dance on the keyboard again.

Now... just SING~! Sing your heart out...

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