Friday, June 11, 2010


A great holiday... great when you have great company and find ways to make it an eventful trip :) and I'm good at that...

Uploading photos into Facebook is killing my brain cells...

Planning for another trip again... this time for my customers and also... myself... hahahaha... I'm really enjoying life to the fullest... I already made plans for more trips but I don't think I'm going to put a date to my trips as I tend to be very unpredictable.

Like the trip for next year was fast forwarded and already ended... hahahhaha... so cool~!

Life without a schedule is a great one... life tied with schedules... oh... I just can't follow the time... everything is at my own pace... my own time... and up to me... sounds selfish rite? But that's the way to enjoy yourself... to the fullest... UP UP and AWAY~!

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