Friday, September 17, 2010

Back-to-Back Movie Marathon...

After so many years, it was my first time catching a movie on a Wednesday - movie day... *yay* A few of us went to watch Piranha but sad to say so many of the scenes had been censored so I guess I have to watch another time in the comfort of my own nest.
Before I started work again, on Monday, I decided to go for a movie marathon... one of the 'physical exercises' that I enjoy doing. The first movie was good. As long as my head didn't start fishing in the cinema then the movie is watchable. Going the Distance... heart-warming...
The second movie was better. A family comedy which portrays the importance of quality time spent with family members instead of showering them with gifts.
The last movie was the best. As long as it's Singapore movie, I'm up for it.

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