Monday, September 27, 2010

Too Proud to Apologize...

When a man of high social standing refuses to apologize to another and make things look like the other person is psychotic in nature, it proves only one thing, he's just too proud of himself. Always thinking he's right, never see his own fault... eat up your own phrase donkey...

Do not just see beyond your nose because it may be dirty too

and how about this one as well...

You can never run away from your own shadow till you become the light

This might taste delicious if you can swallow it whole...

The easiest way to solve a problem is to see it as not

And this one suits you really well...

I cannot change anyone or anything, but i can definitely change myself.

You're the total opposite of this... HYPOCRITE~!

Often we use people and love things when we should be loving people and using things instead

For this one that comes from yourself, too time to digest it in your own stomach...

Often we ourselves are to blame for tripping over our own foot

This is definitely NOT describing you~!

Finding an excuse is much more difficult than saying the truth.
For yours will be "Finding an excuse is much easier than saying the truth" *.*
PS. It will be really scary when I stand right in front of you and you won't know what hit you... YOU'VE MET YOUR MATCH....

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