Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Cupcake for Everyone...

I do not have much to write about except to be the host to my British client for the next four days. I wish taking people around is as easy as giving out cupcakes. I'm always at a lost when come to bring people to visit my lovely island. It's like that cupcake. Not everyone likes coffee cupcake with a cherry on top. Some do not even like the cream. Some choke on the dry cupcake. Different people have different likings. I seriously do not know what is in Penang Island except for eating and shopping. We have so much yet so little. If you turn the cupcake the other way round, you will have a perverted image of a woman's asset. That's what someone taught me how to see it. Penang Island might be beautiful to others, but to me, it's just like any other place just that it's dirtier but the food is amazing. Still, it's weird to some.

Wish me all the best~! I'm one hopeless case in introducing my own state that's why I ran away to Malacca the other time. I regretted doing that as Malacca was worse than Penang. I shall keep to my state for these few days. Trying my very best...

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