Thursday, January 13, 2011

Click~! Click~! Click~! Tap.. tap... tapp... tappp...

That's the sound of the mouse clicking and the typing on the keyboard. Cursor blinks... blink once... blink twice... and the typing resumes... click... click... I've done writing two lengthy essays for the class tonite. I've gone out to pay all the bills before everything is severed. *Giving a pat to myself* Click... click... click... I've clicked on everything that can be clicked until I have nothing to click anymore. I've chatted until there's no more topic to talk about. I'm so dead bored... I'm bored with everything. I hate my low span of concentration. I can only survive an hour at most in everything. After flipping through 100 pages, I'm bored with the book... will pick up where I leave it later. I'm staring at the television.. no... no... not like that... it's more like the television is staring at me. It's not on.. DUH~!! Just staring at the reflection of my own room. Click... clickk... logout of Facebook... click... tap.. tapp... tappity-tap... login again... this is insane~! Click... click... place comments... clicckk.... clicckk... Click on Donkey's site... Donk... update your shoutout... I have nothing to write without your wise ass wisdom... my donkey busy :'( My honey also busy... This is for my Donk Donk...
Autism is about having a pure heart and being very sensitive… It is about finding a way to survive in an overwhelming, confusing world… It is about developing differently, in a different pace and with different leaps. -Trisha Van Berkel
Everyone... come back from work... why must all of you be working office hours? Haih... by the time everyone comes back, I'll be busy working...

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