Friday, January 14, 2011

Hard to Swallow...

It's seriously too hard for me to swallow the news that AirAsia plane skidded off the runway. MAS will never encounter such tragedy. No doubt no one died and thank God the plane didn't catch fire with the nose licking the runway. I'm gonna fly off next week to the same place where the plane licked the runway and belly rub against it. It looks more like a poor big bird which landed on its chest. Oh, Lord please be the pilot of the plane for the flight that I'll be in next week. No nose diving. No skating on the runway. No more rain when I'm there. Let the water subside. I'm definitely a weird holiday-maker going on a holiday on a working week. And I have no plans at all so will just go and see what I want to do. Lord, make it a great escape from my boredom and also work. Let it be a good time spend together with Juju. Plans... plans... I'll have to come out with a plan... will google it last minute...

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