Tuesday, March 08, 2011

From Pig Wisdom to Traffic Lights...

Finally, my Donkey came back to town after spending a few days at the pigsty. My donkey has such whirring mind that even when it stares at the traffic lights, waiting for the lights to change from red to green, my donkey stares at the lights with such amazement that even the lights bring wisdom to my donkey. Thus, my donkey did not cross the road. Instead, it was waiting for such powerful wisdom from the lights that it stood there and stared in disbelief as the green light turned to yellow and then red again. I hope my donkey does not forget how to cross the road. The philosophy of life from the traffic lights... pig wisdom no longer applies...
Traffic Lights of Life - Red (Think), Yellow (Prepare), Green (Implement)
My donkey always thinks out of the box. Go, Donkey~! Go~! Watch out~! Don't knock yourself into the traffic light pole~!!

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