Friday, April 01, 2011


Morning walk in Market Street? Nah... hardly. We were just walking around while waiting for our transport to go to the dam. I've never been up to the Air Itam dam near Kek Lok Si temple. The road up there was quite steep and it was a long drive up. How did those people jog up all the way to the dam? I think it will take me the whole morning until afternoon to reach up there on all fours. I really enjoy my free Thursday morning with my two coolest friends. We were so busy taking photographs. The place is so beautiful and I'm completely mesmerized with the beauty of the place. Looking at Penang Island from another view is just too marvellous. Too bad there's no panoramic function in my camera. I can't get to capture the view of the entire area.
Oh, we didn't manage to round the whole dam. We spent just too much time on photo taking. Anyway, we're going to find another day to walk around the place and next time round, I hope I won't be too busy clicking away on the camera. I found the best koay teow th'ng at Market Street. Have to replenish energy after jumping around taking photos.

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