Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Shack by William P. Young

I've been a little slow in my reading as time does not permit me to lie down and enjoy a good book. I managed to get a really good book from the church library though. 'The Shack'. It all happened in that shack one fateful day. A little girl was kidnapped and murdered. In all these ugly situations, one wondered where's God? Is God even there? That's how we always question God. Point our finger at God and said He never bother to lift up His finger to do anything, to stop the evil.

'The Shack' gives us the reflection of how most of us will treat God. We treat God like slave at times. Christianity is not just another religion. It's a relationship between the Creator with His creation. William P. Young wrote it in a simple way for us to understand how things are meant to be between a person with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Prayer is just like having a conversation with Jesus but many Christians took it for granted these days that prayer is about asking for God to bless and bless and give and do what we want Him to do. It's like giving God a task and make sure that He does it. If He fails to give us what we want then He is no good for us. That's not how it works.

Go search for 'The Shack'... it's worth reading...

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