Wednesday, June 22, 2011

HoHoHo~! Merry Christmas~!!

Merry Christmas~! No, I'm not out of my mind. Christmas doesn't come early this year. It's still on the 25th of December but I have been wanting to create a Christmas wish list. I've never done that in my whole life. Looking at the blinking graphic art of a Christmas tree with presents underneath, I know now clearly why I never have a Christmas tree in the house. If I put up a Christmas tree and starts decorating it, the tree will be there for another 10 years, covered with dust with the lights blinking dimly with some bulbs blown off. Thus, I have to conclude sadly that I will never have a Christmas tree unless I wake up with the hidden talent of putting things back where they belong when it's not needed anymore. And I suppose I do not want to create a list with the start of "Dear Santa". I don't believe in Santa and for one particular reason is because there's no chimney in this humble apartment of mine. It has never snow in this island either. I've seen reindeers only in shopping malls, dead solid on the stage for display and for people to pose all around just for the sake of snapping a good photo with such Christmassy feel. I shall start my list with.... Dear Lord... oh.. oh... sorry, sorry... wrong prayer... thank God my man is not like that... he should be the one making that prayer but I know he will not say that... Here goes...and Lord, move their hearts to be generous givers so generous that they will leave me astonish and dumb-founded and make me speechless for hours. Even if I don't get anything from the list, I will still love You and love them just like before and even more :D In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

I hold the policy of not being afraid to ask. Ask and it shall be given to you. The list starts here:

  • HTC Incredible S2 PDA... I've been using MiniAtom XDA for more than 2 years and it's an obsolete brand. Even kids around me have new phones every few months and they change mobile phones like changing clothes.

  • Samsung Galaxy Tab... I'm not dreaming for an iPad just that tab so that I can blog wherever I am and most probably I'll be too lazy to carry it out with me. But I will be really happy to own that Samsung Galaxy Tab...

  • Samsung 42" HD LCD flatscreen... complete with a home-theatre system so that I will never need to step into a cinema ever again. I'll be glued to the screen and spend less time online so that I will not be included in the statistics of being one of Asia's Internet addict...

  • A kitchen that resembles Julia Child's kitchen in the Smithsonian Museum... I have a thing for kitchen... don't know why... I don't mind having a house without a living room but I will want a cosy kitchen...

  • Trip around the world with all expenses covered... from flight to food and lodging and all entrance tickets to any musuems or theme parks. I fly economy class and I can sleep with dogs on the floor...

  • Disneyland Florida... a week's stay will be good, a two-week stay will be better and a month-long stay will be the best~!!

  • Donate to me... simply because you love me... I'm not worshipping the God of Mormon... hhmmm doesn't sound right to ask for cash... but minimum donation of RM50 per person is sufficient...

I don't feel like continuing this Christmas wish list. Feel like crying suddenly. I don't need all those stuff to make me happy. I'm happy to have all of you as my friends and the only thing that I want is to have all of you healthy and walking boldly every day carrying the cross of Jesus. Be proud of who you are yet humble at the same time. I consider myself truly blessed that we cross-path and we're best of friends. My world will not be that colourful without any of you. *group hug* From the bottom of my heart...

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