Monday, July 11, 2011

讚美之泉 Stream of Praise - 禱告 I Pray

You see on the right hand bar of a dog wagging its tail while holding a television screen? Click on the 'play' button so that it can pause. Then click on this YouTube. It's one very beautiful song which I understand a few words out of so many words. And right now, I'm desperate to learn the Chinese characters but I don't seem to have any Chinese brain. I can't even remember a few words. I can't hardly recognize any words. I'm one hopeless banana...


  1. If you can read Pinyin or Bopomofo, I've found this site to be rather helpful:

    it will add pinyin/bopomofo to any Chinese text you input and you also have the option to include some English 'translations' as well.
