Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Queen of Marinade...

Now, this is the best way to cook. Start marinading not a few hours before like what's written on the recipe page. I start marinating a few days before. You'll have the most delicious food that you can ever imagine. I just came back a few minutes ago and in another 4 minutes it will be midnite. I will have to be the slave to the kitchen until late at night which I don't think I will mind because I want more time for myself on the weekdays. I don't want to rush and wake up early in the morning just to go straight and get myself busy in the kitchen. Life shouldn't be spent doing one thing only... and I don't think I will want to blog everyday about what I'm cooking. Since I'm doing Nyonya cuisine for these few weeks or maybe for the whole month, I will want to write about some other things other than food :D

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