Life is like licking honey off a thorn... God promises a safe landing - but not necessarily a calm passage...
Hahaha~! Those lies of encouragement, they do work but you will feel so cheated that if you have no passion for hiking or walking long distance, you will be crying bloody murder in one breath to that person who talked you into doing it. We were so glad to see the dam that if given a choice, we would have jumped into the calm water. Rosalind thought she saw a duck but I thought it was a crocodile. But there was definitely something swimming in the water.
We were fast walkers because we were so glad we were walking on flat land instead of going uphill. Rosalind banned me from using the word UP so I'm going to describe UP as curvy hill. We caught up with the three stooges. At the bend of the dam, mind you, they were laughing like hyenas and yowling away like some mad animals. That's definitely them and then we were monkeying around. I'm always with my camera so... I shall not explain further on what we did along the trail, teasing each other and motivating Mandy.
Mandy's legs were wobbly but we, on the other hand, were purely motivated by FOOD~! Siu mai to be exact. The siu mai at the coffee shop at the foot of the hill was so delicious that we were actually putting it in front of us. We were so eager to finish the walk and fill up our growling stomach with all the piping hot good food. I wonder what's the point of us making such an effort to sweat it out and burn as much calories when after a walk, we'll be pounding on extra calories and fats into our body.
Yay~! We're there... oh, Mandy... 1 more minute~! Now, I know why it's essential to use white lies to motivate another person. If I were to tell her it's still a long way to go, I think she would have given up, sat by the roadside and regret her decision on joining us.
Oh, the food~! The 'tua pao' is very nice just that the skin was too thick. 'Chai kueh' is really mouth-watering, coming from a person who has no liking for vegetables. Siu mai... the siu mai is the best of all until I've to take the auntie's phone number to book ahead next time. I know I'm not gifted in house-cleaning or drawing, but I'm definitely sure my friends and I have hidden talent in making a quite place turning into one happy and lively place. We're one boisterous group of people, yakking away and laughing hard minus slapping the table while doing so.
After an hour of feeding ourselves and burning more calories through laughter, we left the table in a mess. All in all, I can't wait for Thursday to come, provided the weather is good. If it's raining then I will hide under my comforter and snooze away to dreamland.