Life is like licking honey off a thorn...
God promises a safe landing - but not necessarily a calm passage...
Friday, April 06, 2012
Bus Ride to Shunde...
Pinky's mom is a very fast person. Due to my inability to go to Hong Kong, we went to Lao Jie and all of a sudden, she rushed us home, made a few phone calls to make some arrangements. On the way back home, she told us we won't be having our lunch as we have to quickly pack our bags and go to Shunde, Guangzhou. We had to hurry to the bus station as it was quite a distant away. Pinky bought us the bus tickets and then it was crazy from there onwards. The ticket showed the number of the platform at the second floor but the announcement over at the PA system said we should be downstairs and the bus would be leaving in 2 minutes' time. We ran all the way downstairs to find no bus there and the security guard told us it was upstairs. We ran all the way up just in time before the bus pulled away from the bay... !&@#$)#($*#)(*)#$I didn't know how long the ride was suppose to be. Pinky wasn't sure either. She's one amazing tour guide and because of me, she has been to a lot of places where she has never gone before. I asked her a silly question,"You're from China. Have you not finish walking the whole entire country?" She answered me with another question,"You're from Malaysia. Have you finish walking the whole of Malaysia?".... @.@ Okay... fine fine... that was rather lame. She went snoring for the whole two and a half hour journey while I stayed on guard. Both of us sleep like logs so only a log will know how to wake another log up :D We had to pass through Guangzhou river which was so wide I thought we were passing through a sea... like Penang Bridge... but it was just a river, not really flowing, kinda dirty but it was extremely misty for the two days that we were there, kinda cold too compared to the weather in Shenzhen but not cold enough for me to wrap myself up like stuffed dumpling. I was still wearing short sleeves t-shirt. I love the coolness compared to the oven-hot weather right now. I did a big mistake by waking her up on the bridge. She is afraid of height so the moment she opened her eyes and saw that we were on a hanging bridge, she went right back to slumberland. Finally, we arrived. The bus ride was one scary one. Anything that has to do with China's road, I'll have to risk my life sitting in a car, crossing a road and taking a bus ride is a very good praying exercise. You can pray over and over again and you get to master the skill of meditating in God's Word... We were in another bus, we came down from the interstate bus and ran all the way to the platform for the local bus, then the journey of scary rides continued. The honking was unbearable. The braking system would have thrown you out of the windscreen right from your seat... Thank God I came back home in one piece...
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