Friday, July 27, 2012

That Crystal Shop and the Best Egg Wrapz in Beijing...

The evil tour guide, after he took us to the Summer Palace where we were all hyped up, he decided to take us to a place where he could suck everyone's blood sweat money. Very sad to say, he didn't get anything. Everyone saw through his moves at the very last day. Pinky and I were two brilliant ladies :D *thank you for the silent compliment* He took us to a place where I have no idea where we were and I didn't even bother to ask but the moment he said everyone must listen and pay attention and everyone must get out of the bus, I knew he was taking us to some place where he could suck us dry like a dracula hungry for blood money. Right until today, I cannot read those four Chinese words and I won't want to ask anyone for the translation as well. Let it be...
The moment we stepped into the place, all of us went 'Whoa~! Whoa~!' That's huge. It was very huge, man-made crystal, looked like the Mars planet. The inhouse sales rep was crapping about something which I have no recollection of at all of what he said about the crystal. The price of that crystal was equivalent to 20 years of my electricity bill. And if I have that, I could not bring it to TNB to tell them that since I have no cash neither do I have credit, can I pay with that large crystal and get my electricity bill waived until the day I breathe my last?
We were ushered into a door where we were led to watch a short clips about the making of crystals... was that what we watched? I couldn't remember as well because I was thinking when was this gonna end. After that, we were shooed in like a flock of sheep to the next arena. It was a huge place with lots and lots of crystals. Even if you give it to me for free I would not want to put such a big piece of decoration in my new house. I prefer decorating my house with useful equipment and not with a round crystal where you think you can look into your future and stalk on others using the crystal ball.
Pinky and I have a habit of clearing our bowels in the morning. We woke up very early that day and did not have the chance to heat the toilet seat with our beautiful round ass so all of a sudden both of us were looking for washrooms / restrooms or easier said... we were looking for toilets. We asked for the direction but before we could even place our hand on the door to exit the place as the toilet was right in front where we came from, our conniving tour guide saw us and asked us in a rude manner where we were going. I wanted to reply him in English that we were both gonna go do some shit business in the shit bowl. But of course we politely told him that we need to go to the toilet. It sounded more like we were back in schools where we had to ask for the teacher's permission to go to the loo. He looked at his watch, said that it was still early and we should come back immediately after going to the loo. Hah~! 
After an hour plus, and since nobody bought anything, the tour guide finally said that we could go. Along the pathway of the shop, there were people selling the local delicacies which Pinky and I have no interest in even looking. Suddenly, we found a stall at the end of the tunnel shop's compound. I smelt egg and it was one overpowering fragrance that I cold not resist. Do you know that I am capable of influencing people regardless of nationality, race, age and gender? I am of good influence, not bad, don't worry...
I don't really care what the lady was selling but whatever it was, it smelt really nice... nice smell of food is just delicious. You'll need to capture my nose before you are able to capture my attention. 
After looking at the pan, I knew that the lady must be selling egg wraps... Pinky and I were the only people  from the group who dared to venture out of the territory. Before long, the whole bunch of people from our group came running towards us. At first, the lady didn't have much business as there was only one customer before me. Suddenly, we were swarming around her small humble stall like bees looking to feed on nectar. 
That was mine~! It was finally done, ready to be wrapped and I couldn't wait to swallow it. Pinky had her sweet potato so I have the egg. We shared as it was quite a large and thick piece of egg wrapz. 
My appetite was made complete with that delicious and perfect egg wraps. The lady should be rewarded for  uplifting the name of Beijing. After a string of lousy food, other than the sweet potato, this was the best.
*nom nom nom nom* See, if you've read the whole of my post, you would have known that I wasn't concentrating on the crystal shop. The crystal shop was just an introduction on how we got to the wraps. It was really a great experience being in Beijing. That lady manning the stall should be given an award for saving the country's face  from getting itself known as the state with the lousiest food... 

PS. I'm very sleepy so there's always errors here and there... Nitez...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your nice experience to share with us. Really awesome article with plenty of informative things to be known for us.
