It was quite fast for the white chocolate to melt using the hot lava stove by Khind. I like that stove a lot. I have another infra red stove in town. Hehehhee... you know how silly I was. I was actually waiting for the whole bar to turn into liquid. So, I waited for quite long until I decided to use a spoon to feel the white chocolate. Hah... I think the chocolate must have melted a long time ago. Don't laugh la... it's a new experience for me to bake.... I'm a pro in cooking solid food... not a pro in baking...
Frankly speaking, it wasn't hard at all to make a cake. It's just that, mixing all the ingredients until they turned smooth and fluffy took quite some time. See that... that's my new toy in the kitchen. I love playing with it and I enjoy the moment when the timer 'ting' and something great would come out of the oven. The baking time was quite long and I have no idea why must the cheesecake sit on a water bath in the oven. Was that steaming and convection cooking both at the same time?
It was already midnite and since I have to wait for the cake for more than an hour, I decided to do something or else I might fall asleep. My precious borrowed a book from the library for me. Then, I made some Taiwan sausages for 'early breakfast'. The clock was ticking away until it was almost 1:30a.m. and I thought I was going to wait for the cheesecake to cool down before I refrigerate it but in the end I left it in a kitchen, well-covered and floated myself to dreamland. I was too tired so I wasn't dreaming about anything.
That's the cheesecake with some pock marks. Air bubbles... I still have no idea how to remove the air bubbles as much as possible. Mandy taught me to knock the cake tin hard on the table to remove all air bubbles. But I think that's rather rough and I wouldn't want to knock anything on my new dining table. Ah, I feel like showing off my dining table~!!!
... a dining table for 10. Just nice for everyone and I have many chairs in the house. And all of us would be eating together
Oh, the next day while I was preparing lunch and dinner, I did the white chocolate brandy sauce. The sauce actually looked kinda brown because I have smartly burnt the white chocolate. The whole pot of sauce actually looked like melted toffee. You see in the recipe, it was written that the white chocolate cheesecake should be served with the white chocolate brandy sauce while the sauce was still hot. But none of us actually fancied any hot stuff on cheesecake so I smartly pour the sauce on the cake, cool the sauce beforehand and then place the whole spring tin back to the refrigerator. It was suppose to be white right because it was white chocolate sauce ma... after 30 minutes, I opened the refrigerator to see that the surface has turned as white as snow. My precious said that was Jesus making the cake into perfection while the cake was sitting in the refrigerator. I have to say Amen to that. I was one very happy person and to see that the white chocolate sauce has hardened on the surface, I took the cake out to write some stuff on the surface.
Nicely written on the white chocolate brandy sauce with my chocolate fudge icing gel. I have nice handwriting, I know... I know :0) The cake went back to rest in the refrigerator at 3-degree Celsius. I was thinking of cutting out pieces and pieces of beautiful cheesecake.
It wasn't so. The whole cake was swimming in the white chocolate brandy sauce. It was seriously in diving mode until part of the cake was wet. The sauce tricked me to believe that it would harden. It was like eating cheesy white chocolate ice-cream but it was superbly delicious. Not presentable but really great. It finally dawned on me that sauces like oyster sauce, tomato ketchup, chilli sauce and I have so many types of sauces in my refrigerator, none of them freeze in the refrigerator so what was I thinking when I thought that the white chocolate brandy sauce would freeze.... sigh...
It was just suppose to be this simple. That's how the cheesecake should be served... but... but... I don't think any of us would like it with the hot sauce... thus, I did not fail...
Sounds like a sensational recipe! I love white chocolate and would so love to try this.