Saturday, September 15, 2012

My P's Burfday...

My hubby's burfday fall on the 5th of September. I treated him to Yosenabe, a Japanese steamboat restaurant that's very near home. The last time I was there, it was a very long time ago, more than two decades ago. The restaurant is still existing which means only one thing, the food is good enough. It's actually quite simple and mama we can simply do it ourselves next time. The next time I go with hubby, we'll only be frying the New Zealand beef which was really delicious. 
And that's hubby's burfday cake. I decorated that cake in less than an hour because I already have in mind how I wanted to do it. It's a sugee cake but not that perfect because of one the ingredients which make it bitter when you bit into it. I made another one a week later because I wasn't happy with this one. I perfected the next sugee cake... perfect to bits but if you're one who dislikes sweet stuff then you'll say that it's too sweet. A cake without sugar is not a cake. I've tested that many times where the cakes went straight into the dustbin. 

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