Saturday, April 06, 2013


How thin can an inspiration be? Actually it's about being thin, not slim. By the way, being slim and thin are two different worlds apart. Being thin and beautiful, that's another topic by itself. Being thin but ugly, hah... that you have to be aware of. Thin does not mean beautiful. Fat isn't ugly as well. I came across a week-old article about thinspiration. How sick can a person be by thinking that showing off your bones means you're beautiful? It's like showing off a bag of bones... even my dog is fatter... and my rabbits are even more fleshy. 

So looks like the social networking is to be blamed for spreading thinspiration. I have a few ideas to overcome that. It's as simple as just look at your own Facebook account without clicking at others'. Clicking at others' is just like stalking the other person. And why need to edit your own photo just so that you look good in the eyes of the world? Why not look beautiful from the inside out? Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh... heard of that? Physical beauty is just skin deep. It's going to fade and wither away like those flowers. Why not just be yourself? You'll be very happy just being yourself. I know I am one happy, bubbly and cheeky person. That's why the Donkey called me a Monkey. But I'm not saying that I'm a monkey... ppleeassee... 
I'm a size 5 and has never been smaller. I have large bones so unless I dismantle my bone structure and reconstruct them then I might be a size 2 or maybe a size 0. Nonsense~! Should I kill myself for being this fat? I'm a fat baby, fat toddler, fat child, fat teenager and finally now, a fat adult. If I'm to weep my eyes out for being fat, might as well I dig a hole in my own garden and bury myself under the dying plants. Life's not like that. I believe that God made me perfect because after every creation, He said that,"It's good." He didn't say,"Ooooppsss, what a horrible mistake." Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... even if my hubby says that I'm ugly, I will gracefully ask him to go find another prettier one. One should be bold enough to stand up for oneself. Come to look at it, I don't even have those big double-eyelid eyes. I can't even feel my own eyes on days when the sun is shining brightly and fiercely from up above. I have small Japanese eyes which I'm proud of. Dieting? Oh... I put on weight even if I'm not eating so laugh it off. Laughter is the best medicine. Who can stand the temptation of having good food? I know the people who step into my house, always ended up in the kitchen rummaging for food. Actually they don't have to rummage for food because the food will be on the kitchen top, the dining table and the stove.
How can you survive on just oranges and water for the whole day just to look thin? It's so unhealthy... imagine ending up with a stomach infested by ulcers. That would do more harm than good or you will want your tombstone to be engraved with the heading "She died a thin person after battling with being stick thin"? That's the best chicken roll ever with slices of bacon and minced pork. Oh, you just don't know how much you have miss out on food. I'm one adventurous cook, if you ever happen to step into my house, you will have the chance to try out all kinds of food. I try not to repeat any dishes as I can't stand having the same thing day in and day out. But if it's mi mama cooking, then it's different.
I boast of making the best cupcakes in town. How not to fall into this thinspiration mental crap? Just be yourself, anything that you're not happy with, laugh it off. Anything that pleases you, laugh out loud :D It doesn't hurt to laugh like a mad person but it sure hurts your abdomen for laughing too hard. May the joy of the Lord be with you... stop looking at those stick thin females in beautiful tiny dresses. It's not worth the sacrifice to be thin. Just stay healthy and happy...  

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