Monday, June 17, 2013

Are We There Yet?!?!??!?!?!

If you've traveled with a child before, you will hear that 'Are We There Yet?' like an unbreakable playing tape recorder. After 4 hours of car ride, my nephew started to ask that question. It was a question any normal people will ask and then it became louder and louder. After some time, we're all asking 'ARE WE THERE YET?' I've been driving for so many hours and I only see wooden houses, trees and more trees on one straight road. If the nephew wasn't around, I would be the loudest asking that question while driving. And then it was like consoling ourselves, we're reaching already... we're reaching already...
And then the speed boat ride began. It took such a long time to reach... and here we go... 'ARE WE THEY YET?' I'm thinking of jet ski then I can ride it on my own across the pounding waves. Yamaha's Waverunner is one of the best to slice through the waves. Awesome... you just don't know how awesome it was until you've been on it when the sea is choppy and rough. The schedule printed stated that it would be an hour's speed boat ride to Perhentian Island... *faint*
We're the famous Judith, Judith & Judith and there's my nephew...
So, what do we do for an hour? To kill time, you can chat away but with the sound of the twin engines and the waves plus the strong wind, your saliva will threaten to splatter on your friends' face. So, it's not wise to talk so much. It's better to snap photos even when the camera was about to fly off from your grip. We're best taking photos. And yeah, please remove that holiday-looking hat. It's gonna end up polluting the sea surface and maybe the shark will wear if for a shark's nite out.
With Mr. Ong, our agent...
Well, if you think you're speaking to an uneducated beach boy then you ought to be shot dead and be thrown into the South China Sea for making such poor assumption. Mr. Ong was a retired secondary school principal in Penang. So why did he opt for early retirement and end up getting himself charred skin and looking dehydrated? He looked like salted fish to me. Oh, well... simple deduction... this has less paperwork but more printed paper with our King's face printed on it in his pocket. This is lucrative business... 
Moving away from the mainland...
Come on, boat... faster... faster... We're so far from the mainland already... quick... get us there... It's my first time on the South China Sea. The white clouds are beautiful. Everything at that point of time was beautiful... too bad the camera couldn't capture everything. That's why sometimes you have to experience it yourself instead of reading it from somewhere or listening to what others' have to say. Experience is the best teacher. 
Are we gonna stay there? No rite??? It's so secluded and lonely... it's just the whole blob of chalets and nothing else... I won't be able to survive there for even an hour... *sigh* ARE WE THERE YET???
That's Perhentian Kecil...
From afar, you could easily recognize the roof of a school. That's a really big school in a small island. Our Perhentian Besar should be just opposite... *yes yes yes yes* We're gonna reach soon....
No~! Ours would be on the other side of the island... *almost fainted* ARE WE THERE YET??? Why so long??
Ta da~! We're HERE~!!!!
Baby fish...
Look at those small fries... gosh... the water was as clear as crystal... quick quick Hurry up~! Get our chalet keys and we're going down... but probably not here... we're going somewhere else... 

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