Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Awesome Foursome at Kayu...

Ladies' nite out... we hung out at the mamak place a road away from my house. I live in a really strategic place. Can be a central hub for everyone to meet up. When was the last time we went out together? But I was kinda sleepy but enjoyed the company nevertheless. Who's food foot on the table? Going to a mamak stall doesn't mean you have to swallow a big plate of nasi kandar but I do love Kayu's nasi kandar with lots and lots of gravy until everything spills on the table. 
That's the tallest roti tisu compared to other mamak place. And this one tasted the best with the condensed milk and sugar... so whoever's on a diet... gone is your diet plan. I cannot go on diet. Nobody from my house can go on a diet. It just can't happen. It will be an uphill struggle just to do it. 
Hey... it was a great time spent together no doubt it was just for an hour of talking about... about... weird... I don't seem to be able to remember any of the conversations nowadays.I just know that it was one of the happy moments spent together in the midst of busy-ness. Love you people... suddenly I feel like going back to the gym...

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