Friday, November 08, 2013

A Cook's/ Baker's Joy in Sharing...

We cook out a storm and we have great pleasure sending all away. We took the first bite, slurp the first spoonful while it was still burning hot, scalded the tongue once too often. We're the taste adjusters... we're the worst food critics and we know what actually happened in the kitchen which we wouldn't want to tell anyone. 
Sharing is caring... one of the idioms widely used to the extent that the true meaning has been watered down. But is it really caring? This I really don't know. People in my house, people as in generally whoever who steps into the house and spend a lot of time in the kitchen, love sharing food. But sometimes, from my point of view, I thought I was feeding a flock of vultures. The hands that descended upon the food, sometimes you see that as zombie hands reaching out for you. But I know that they find the food more delicious when they are fighting for every piece and every slice and even the crumbs. They are one harmonious group. There is always someones who eats this, someone who doesn't then, instead of scooping and passing around whatever they do not want, they finish up whatever they like and pass either the plates or the bowls around. The best sound to hear in the room is the 'ting' of the oven. Even the older boys went crazy listening to the 'ting' of the oven and found it kinda disheartening since it was the ping of me heating up an empty oven. So in this case, I don't know how does caring play a role in it. 
The awesome moist chocolate cupcakes, the flapjacks and the Turkish delight..
This morning, my Facebook friend, now my really good friend, Bunga Emas sent me a text to ask me to go over to pick up her handicraft. Just nice... I was really free so I left the house and reached hers after one traffic light. Bunga Emas *Golden Flower*, direct translation from Malay to English, is her nickname in Facebook. She was the one responsible for starting me in baking. She has been pestering to bake while I pestered her to do cross-stitch. She won the pestering battle. I gave up on giving her reasons after reasons why I wouldn't want to bake when in actual fact, I was afraid of baking. I was afraid that I wouldn't be good enough. I started with my most delicious chocolate chip cookies and after I succeeded in the first try, I catapulted myself up straight to cupcakes before busying my hands on the turn table decorating a big huge 11-inch in diameter birthday cakes

Bunga Emas is always distributing food as well. She is one really great baker and I have no regrets knowing her. You see now how we, who always cook out a storm in the kitchen, won't grow any fatter than you. Other than sharing our sweat-laden pastries, we distribute fats evenly as well. You'll probably grow sideways an inch or two but we would look fine because the thing us, we hardly eat what came out of the kitchen. 
I only want the photos. I just want the first mouthful trying it out before sending them away. Do you know that we probably feel like we have conquered Mount Everest whenever we managed to do it perfectly right? It's just like that. It's simple... we cook, you eat....we don't ask for money neither do we ask for anything in return.

The most important thing is...

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