Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Trust Me...

I'm a quarter way blogging, then I encounter writer's block because I have so many things in mind. It's always like this... trust me. Every year, in and out, I thought I will be very free during the year end school holidays. But it happens that I have so many things that I want to do, rather than sitting in front of the computer writing about stuff. And I have so many unwritten or unfinished posts. I want to write so that I won't forget when all those things happen. I don't seem to know what have I been doing with my life in year 2012, like the whole year just vanished in my head. 

I think some things never change in me after all these years. Why can't I just sit and do nothing in the house. Just stare at the television and do the few things like eat, sleep and shit. *sigh* November is coming to an end. I have a few things lined up for the month of December and I have filled up parts of year 2014 with things to do. Time seems to fly... and I don't seem to have enough time in end even though I have chop off the time in kitchen completely. Do I really have time management problem? I don't think so leh... so what seems to be the biggest problem? And by the way... I hate the humid and extremely hot weather... *sigh*

I'm not going to abandon this like earlier... but it seems so hard to keep to something for long... 

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