Saturday, November 23, 2013

Woody Grill...

I don't mean to tarnish any of the cafe's name but once you've been served with such horrible food, the mouth couldn't shut. I was quite fascinated with the handburger, must be handmade, and then there were beef burger, mutton burger, fish burger and chicken burger. 

We ordered all four different burgers that took forever to be ready. We were okay with that. The burgers looked like... burgers. Once you bite it, our world collapsed before us. The mutton and beef burger, the meat was so soggy and yucky and who in the right frame of mind uses only one gravy to cover for all burgers? Is that the Woody's special sauce? Black pepper.... and please do us a favour, print it out clearly that it's black pepper... I don't eat black pepper and the there's seriously something not right with the texture of the meat. The fish was okay though but not the beef and mutton.

So, we left the half-eaten burgers on the table. We didn't mean to be rude but my friends have been pampered with McJu so we know what's tasty and what's not. We do have expensive taste and very high expectations. Anything good must be better than mine. Gosh... it makes me feel like upgrading my burgers with special gravies like I did last time. 

Can we go somewhere to eat? I'm hungry.... :0(
We did something horrible though. We stole food from the next table after that person left. It's like a leftover but it's not in the sense that after talking to that guy, he walked away with half the chicken chop untouched... and the table was within reach... so why not? No harm done right... Okay, maybe this will be the first and the last time... hahahhaha... But I'm not the one doing it... I was just suggesting it... 

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