Sunday, December 01, 2013

The Fishy Experience...

Why fishing? I don't know... it just popped out of my mind. Knowledge about fishing... zilch... totally empty. I just wanted to do something with the hubby for the whole month of December instead of doing my own things all on my own, in my own world. Moreover, fishing is the best training for people who has no patience like me. It has been 10 years since I started working and I've never stop working until now. I find the courage to shut down almost all classes because I feel that life is not just about working. There must be time for everything and I just wanted time with the hubby or else when school reopens, none of us have time for each other except a few minutes before we go sailing to dreamland without any nice dreams but jumping off the bed because of the alarm clock. 

We went to a shop in town and when the man asked what we wanted to buy I just told him everything that we needed to start fishing. Then he started asking what kinda reel, what kinda fishing rod and what kinda this and that, so I asked him to decide. Hubby has a little bit of fishing knowledge but not enough to survive on. So, the shop owner grabbed us some fishing stuff and taught us how to tie knots, which none of us could master and I have no idea what he knots were he tying. He said by the look of our faces, we were looking at some strange things... oh, yes... strange indeed.

Yesterday (Saturday) I wasn't working.... *hip hip hooray* I checked the schedule for high tides and the tides were in the afternoon. I learnt that we could go fishing two hours before and two hours after, roughly... and I didn't want to drive far... hey, we're living in an island, we should be able to fish every where. We went to the Bayan Mutiara beach with some shades.

We settled down with nothing much to put our ass on except for some old newspapers. Hubby knows how to bring the whole house out wherever we go, which was kinda useful because I tend to walk out of the house with minimal items. Next time, when I'm a professional angler, I think I would leave the house with just a pair of pliers in my pocket, a fishing rod, a box of hooks and baits and my camera plus phone then I'll just slam the door shut. Oh, yeah... a pail, too... *sigh*

My precious has the ability to say a prayer that God will answer on the spot, every time~! We asked her to say a prayer so that we could catch some fish. While waiting for the hubby to fix up the fishing rod, I snapped a picture or two of the island's icon, the Penang Bridge. The weather was cloudy so not much of a view. It was cloudy as we have been praying that it would be cloudy, not sun blazing hot. I get sunburn very fast because I'm still very fair and lovely. Now, I looked like a cooked lobster.

Hubby taught us how to throw the line and I could throw the furthest. The first catch was a plastic bag filled with sand. The second catch was another plastic bag which was kinda heavy with I don't know what. The rest of the baits were eaten but none bit the hook. Fishes go to school nowadays. They know how to evade a hook. So, it was more like a fish feeding session where all of us fed the fish. I could see the ripples where the schools of fish popped their heads up. But we couldn't throw the line far enough. As we were thinking there was no fish there, a fish or two jumped out of the surface... were the fish mocking us? 
The puffer fish catch....
I was thinking if none of us caught anything, I wanted to go home and forget about this kinda activity. Yes, I have no patience and I have no idea how to be helped. God, being the amazing God, let my precious caught a fish. The fish was kinda cute so we let it swim in the container we brought along and filled it with sea water. Then, my precious caught the second fish immediately she threw in the line. Hubby said the fish looked like puffer fish so we threw the fish back into the sea and brought nothing home.
The floating heart...
I was trying out for the last time when all of a sudden a 'heart' was washed towards me. Oh, Lord... were you talking to me? If I'm sensitive enough, were You telling me you love me whether I have fish or don't have or you love me even when I have no patience? Guess what... Jesus loves me... despite by shortcomings... I love you, Jesus.... thank you for being understanding. While waiting for fish, I was saying out loud that I should have brought snorkeling gear and wore my diving suit, take a look down there to confirm whether there's fish or not, if not then we could go somewhere else. Why has nobody done that before? Is it wrong to do it? Or we shouldn't simply snorkel anywhere as we wish? Or we wouldn't be able to see anything because the colour of the water was actually brown instead of blue? 

When we came back, I posted the photo of the fish to the state angler's club site. Oh, yeah... greatly poisonous puffer fish and I think they had a good laugh. We used the wrong rig, meant for fresh water fish to fish in the sea. We shouldn't be getting any fishes so one of the members said that the Fishing God must be smiling on us. All things are possible with our Lord, whether the rigs were right or wrong. We have no idea what is a rig. The only rig I know is the oil rig for petroleum. The two fishes probably gave me a push not to give up and to try again. 

I got to know really nice people who are ever willing to share with us the knowledge of fishing. I have never felt so empty in the head before. I totally do not know what I'm doing. Oh, there were lots of fresh seaweeds down there... which means pollution was not that high?

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