Monday, June 02, 2014

Bak Chang, 粽子, Glutinous Rice Dumpling...

I'm proud of my bak chang....
I started marinating the meat on a Saturday night after church. Then, I multi-tasked a bit here and there between boiling the fig, washing the glutinous rice in two different steel bowls, soaking the Chinese mushrooms and removing the black mud from the salted eggs to get to the yolks. Hubby helped me cleaned and soaked the bamboo leaves. My kitchen produced really nice smell in the wee hours of midnight or early in the morning and you can smell cakes and sorts in the afternoon. Suzie came over on Sunday, after church to teach me how to cook the glutinous rice and then to wrap the dumpling perfectly. I got to the wrapping but I dare not tie it just in case the dumpling decided to unwrap itself while hanging dearly on the strings and everything will go to the floor. Suzie is so fast, as fast as I click my camera. I thought we were going to sit in the kitchen for hours and hours but in then end after 1.5 hours, we were done with 1.5kg of glutinous rice and waiting for the pressure cooker to kick in and be done with its work. Simple yet tedious. Nothing is easy, the preparation kills and the washing suffocates. Eating is the easiest. I'm not going to go into details of every process because I feel that you can easily get all the information through YouTube and other websites. I don't have the time to write into details. Too many things to do. Work starts in another 5 minutes. *sigh* I wish I can have the whole day to sit in front of the computer to look through my thousands and thousands and photos and to write about them before I totally forget about it.

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