Monday, November 10, 2014

A Beautiful Transformation...

The destroyer...
There are many beautiful, colourful and tiny insects that I can see when I'm doing gardening. Some insects are very cheeky~! I talked to my plants and I also had monologues with the insects. I remembered seeing a very small colourful insect flying around and I asked it to wait for me while I go get the camera. When that insect saw my camera, it went into hiding. So fed up was I that I kept my camera in the house and the insect came out to play again. Sometimes, they must be camera-shy, too. Gardening is NOT my hobby. I just want to keep my small plot of land nice and beautiful so I have to do all the work. Since I've started doing it, I have to maintain it every now and then. Well, who has been chewing on my lime leaves? Who? That's the fat guy. No wonder you're so fat... you chewed half of my tree. Enough, okay... you stay as prisoner in the glass enclosure from now on.
The dried cocoon...
The previous caterpillars all died because I did not poke any holes for them. Sorry for murdering all siblings at one go. But this one, we made sure there were plenty of holes on top. After two weeks, this afternoon I came back to a fluttering symmetrical-designed beauty. The cocoon has dried up.
The trapped beauty...
Let's make a deal, okay? You wait for mi mama and mi hubby to come home, then I will release you to your freedom. I will not keep you in this glass cave and kill you. I'm not that type of person. But you have to wait and while waiting please pose for my camera. Will you do that for me? Thank you for your co-operation. I appreciate it very much.
The side view...
Let me take a few pics until I am satisfied with one piece of photo. I know you are tired and hungry and thirsty but I'm equally as tired and the weather is really hot. Thank you for giving me this piece. You're really beautiful~!! How can anyone believe that there's no God in this world? If there's no God then who created this beautiful creature? Look at those pattern. It's so symmetrically perfect. The blend of colours are really of top notch. Okay, I'm done with your side view. Can you open up your wings please? Thank you~!
The bottom view...
Stay this way for awhile please. Ohhhh..... You're amazingly beautiful~! I don't know how did all those professional photographers who capture the photo of wild animals and insects have the patience to wait for the animals to appear? I have this beautiful butterfly model which was really co-operative. Thank you very much for your patience. I think I'm about done. Just a few more, okay. At least I get to choose your most perfect photos and show them to the world what a real beauty you are. 
The top view...
Go, baby~! Fly to your heaven on earth. You can lay eggs and I will take care of your caterpillars and release them when they are big. That I can promise you. Remember to come home once in awhile. You can stay in the garden if you want to. The whole garden I give it to you.
First drink of the nectar....
Eat, drink and be merry. Enjoy yourself. I hope the nectar of the flower is sweet enough for you. Do you need any flowers in particular? I will go get them for you. You are really beautiful. I'm going to miss you. I will work on the garden later. Come visit me.

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