Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Day 5: Feet-Dragging in Danshui...

~ 18th March 2014 ~
After spending a great time at Xinbeitou, floating like a lark and feeling all energetic and just like wealthy trio taking on the world, reality struck. We were hungry and heading towards our next destination in the list. Thank goodness for reliable public transportation in Taipei City. The train was fast.
Mi mama with a cute dog....
We arrived Danshui shortly. Our plan was to walk the Old Street and then take a ferry ride to the Love Bridge. We did not know whether there's a time schedule for the ferry rides or not. I was thinking maybe the time would be like our ferry rides where the last ride should be before midnite. We arrived around 7:30p.m. ... I know, I have very good memory. Then, we spent some time talking to the adorable kitty sausage dog. We made a general conclusion that Taiwanese adore toy-size dogs especially chihuahua, poodle, daschund and even pinscher. My travel buddy prefers big, huge and masculine dogs so, Pinky wasn't really that keen to touch any dogs in Taiwan. After spending a few thousand seconds with the dog, we started our moonlite stroll.
Opposite Golden Water Shore...
Danshui is at the north point of Taiwan so it's a beachfront. According to the Chinese letters, direct translation will tell you you're at the Golden Water Shore. Since we won't be going to the Fisherman's Wharf opposite, I decided to let mi mama and Pinky to have a rest at the concrete bench while I happily set up camp for night photography. There weren't that many people at the shore front's walkway mainly because there's no beach there. Are you a Penangnite? If you are, you might have taken a stroll along Karpal Singh's Drive at Jalan Sungai Pinang area there. The saltiness and fishiness from the sea was too great until the odour became so unpleasant. It's like you're within the perimeter where salted fish barricades you. I enjoyed the lighted scene minus the smell.
Danshui Old Street....
That's the Old Street from where I was standing. Then, we started walking along the shore front. There were a few pairs of young couples whispering sweet nothing to each other. Thank God my hubby wasn't the romantic type who would suggest taking me out for a date by the smelly sea. It would be such a turn off. Now I understand why hubby always says there's nothing in going for a date. It's either going to the cinemas or going out for dinner. I prefer watching DVDs at home on my comfortable couch, wearing my skimpy pyjamas and having dinner at home rather than going out now. Love my hubby for being a realistic man.
The Old Street...
Oh, yeah. We missed the last ferry ride by just merely 15 minutes. Pinky said thanks to me for taking photos for too long. Then again, we were flexible people. We planned to come again before we leave Taiwan. Since we were already there, we went looking for the Old Street to walk around. The place was kinda deserted. Where are all the tourists? Or were we at the wrong place again like in Hong Kong?
Deep fried soft shell crab~!
Taiwan night markets offer lots of deep fried food. Hubby would love it. Since we haven't had our dinner, I bought a small paper cup of deep fried soft shell crabs. Then, Pinky had her deep fried mushrooms. The size of the fresh mushrooms were gigantic. Deep fried mushrooms are delicious. I have done it before so I know :D Trust my taste~! I live to eat :0)
Pink guava....
Fancy having pink guava juice? I've never seen pink guava so we had a moderate serving of pink guava juice while walking along the Old Street. I wished we would have more of this juice.
Handmade fishball...
Now that I looked through the photos, I had no idea what we ate for dinner. There's this stall just selling all sort of fishballs. I don't remember the fishballs being delicious, if not I would have remembered. And then, there's nothing else for dinner. Whatever happen to my dinner? I couldn't be having so little food for that day? I just remembered the delicious roti telur for lunch. I must be very hungry that day... huhuhuhu...

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