Thursday, December 04, 2014

♡ Penang Island ♡ My Home ❀

The connectors of the island.... a road...
I've decided to spend some time writing about my previous trips and the current trip both at the same time. If I were to wait until I finish everything, I think I'll only write about my own backyard in another two years after I come back from another month-long holiday. That wouldn't be fair to Penang Island. It's December now. The last month of the year where people will come to this island to have a jolly good time eating, shopping and walking around the heritage area. You might be a better tourist than I am as you would have surely done more research about this island flowing with milk and honey compared to me, a local who knows nuts about this place. I always look at photos of others coming to Penang and I have no idea where the heck they took those photos from. 

I'm not going to write the date of my road trip. It will just be a rough journal as I still have to work a few days and I have lots of events lined up which chokes up my free time. The weather is something to be considered as well. Nowadays, the flood water rises rapidly whenever there's a heavy downpour. And the traffic would come to a standstill. I do not like being stuck in a traffic standstill. It drives me crazy and all those small roads that used to be my ways to escape a traffic snarl seemed to be everyone's escape route, too. 

The afternoon sun was terribly hot but most of the time it would rain in the evening. Don't say I don't warn you. If you don't mind walking in the rain, then you should enjoy the evening drizzle. It actually cools down the whole island by a little.
House of men...
While walking around the island, you can wash your eyes by looking at the beautiful houses which cost more than a million Ringgit. I do not wish to own such a huge house because in reality, no one needs such a big house. With that size of house and compound, I will be hosting parties every weekend just to fill up the quiet and empty house with the comfort of some friendly noise. Anyway, I get tired walking up and down one storey and with two storeys, I would collapse on the staircase. The price of properties in this little island is going haywire. It's just so not worth buying with most of the landed property has rather small compound. I love where I'm staying right now. I'm growing roots all over my place now and I will never be uprooted to anywhere at all.
House of God....
Penang is not only about temples and more temples. There are churches, too. We're free to worship our Lord Jesus Christ so, if you're a child of God, do worship God even when you're on a holiday. He's with us all the time so why should we ditch Him when we're on a holiday. There are many spirit-filled and anointed churches in this island, too. 

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