Sunday, October 04, 2015

Day 11: Chuanfanshih - Sail Boat Rock Story...

~ 24th March 2014~
Time was running short as it was going to be 5p.m. When you hire a guide, they worked for office hours from 9a.m. to 5p.m. Ours should last until 5:30p.m. actually but to go to another place would be too far. We were willing to pay for the extra hours but our guide already has other plans. Our last stop was near Lealea Garden Hotel where we stayed. It was walking distance but we became lazy tourists. I was wondering what was the last attraction to see...
yeah.... a rock... a huge piece of coral reef rock. Our trip seemed to link around with rocks of sorts. What's the name of the rock? None of us know but since everyone was standing by the roadside to snap a photo of that rock, we joined in the fun, looking for a good place to make that rock as a backdrop.
According to the story for various websites, that rocked decided to part from its rock family. It went sailing on its own and decided to park itself here to be the centre of attraction. Maybe when it was together with its rock family, it was not known to other so it decided to embark on a journey on its own. The piece of land that makes up the seaside were flattened rocks due to soil erosion. Now, according to some websites, the rock looks like the sail of a boat. Then, someone wrote that it looked like President Nixon of the United States. Who on earth come out with such extreme wild imagination?
Let me take a good look of the rock. From where we were standing, that piece of rock looked like a little duck, parked nicely there with some green as its feather. I seriously don't know what we were doing. We flew miles and miles just to look at rocks but I was quite excited to see such piece of rock as Malaysia does not have such rocks!
See, I told ya I was happy looking at the rock. There was no one to push and shove as the crowd either has not arrive or has left. 
Time to leave the place and go back to our hotel. I planned to take a stroll along the night market outside and try out some food. But in the end, that would just remain as a plan as we went off to another place all of a sudden.  Totally unplanned and we got to see another part of Hengchun. 
Goodbye sun.... you're not gonna set yet... Keep on shining~!

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